Blue Badge scheme

What is a Blue Badge and who can apply

A Blue Badge is a parking permit which allows people with disabilities or health conditions to park closer to their destination. You can apply for a badge for yourself, on behalf of somebody else or an organisation that transports people who need a Blue Badge.

Who can apply for a Blue Badge?

People who automatically qualify

You automatically qualify for a Blue Badge if you are aged 3 or over and at least 1 of the following applies:

  • you receive the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • you receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) because you can’t walk more than 50 metres (a score of 8 points or more under the ‘moving around’ activity of the mobility component)
  • you are registered blind (severely sight impaired)
  • you receive a War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
  • you have received a lump sum benefit within tariff levels 1 to 8 of the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and have been certified as having a permanent and substantial disability that causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking
  • you receive the mobility component of PIP and have obtained 10 points specifically for descriptor E under the ‘planning and following journeys’ activity, on the grounds that you are unable to undertake any journey because it would cause you overwhelming psychological distress
  • you have a life-limiting illness, which means you cannot walk or find walking very difficult and have a SR1 form

For more information see the GOV.UK website

People who may qualify

You may be eligible for a badge if one or more of the following applies:

  • you cannot walk at all
  • you cannot walk without help from someone else or using mobility aids
  • you find walking very difficult due to pain, breathlessness or the time it takes
  • walking is dangerous to your health and safety
  • you have a severe disability in both arms and drive regularly, but cannot operate pay-and-display parking machines
  • you have a child under the age of 3 with a medical condition that means the child always needs to be accompanied by bulky medical equipment
  • you have a child under the age of 3 with a medical condition that means the child must always be kept near a vehicle in case they need emergency medical treatment
  • you are constantly a significant risk to yourself or others near vehicles, in traffic or car parks
  • you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey
  • you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others
  • you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control
  • you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public or open spaces

For more information see the GOV.UK website.

The Concessionary Travel Team will assess your eligibility for a Blue Badge once all necessary evidence is submitted. The assessment may take up to 12 weeks. If your application is unsuccessful, you can request a stage 1 review. (see ‘request a review’ section). 

Life Limiting Illness

If you are terminally ill and have submitted an application with an SR1 medical report your application will be prioritised and processed within 1 week of receipt of your application.

Last Modified: 16/01/2025 12:41:00

Concessionary travel team

Telephone: 02085475000