Local Development Scheme - 2025 to 2027
Document Profiles
Local Plan
Purpose / content
The Local Plan will set out the overall development strategy for Kingston for the period 2019-2041 to seek to meet the Borough’s objectively assessed needs. It will include both strategic policies and non-strategic policies. The plan will also identify site allocations for different forms of land use, to aid the designation of land for uses such as housing, employment, infrastructure, leisure, open spaces, health, education or community uses, or to afford protection through designations such as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.
The Local Plan will also provide a policy context for Neighbourhood Plans. An adopted Policies Map will sit alongside the Local Plan.
A new Local Plan is needed to conform with the requirements set out in the NPPF (2019), together with the substantial increase in the Borough’s minimum housing requirement as set out in the emerging London Plan. The Council’s current Plans do not adequately demonstrate conformity with these requirements. A further driver for a new Local Plan is that the Council’s current Development Plan Documents no longer reflect how it intends to deliver the growth needs of a rapidly rising population.
Statutory Local Plan
With the National Planning Policy Framework, and the adopted London Plan at the time of Submission.
Indicative timetable:
Key Milestones |
Date |
Approval of the revised LDS |
Q1 2025 |
Preperationn of the Local Plan (including consultation) (Regulation 18) |
Q3 2025 |
Preperationn of the Local Plan (including consultation) (Regulation 19) |
Q4 2025 / Q1 2026 |
Regulation 22 - Submission of a Loocl Plan to the Secretary of State |
Q3 2026 |
Examination in Public* (Regukation 24( |
Q2 2027 |
Inpectors reprort* (Regulation 25) |
Q3 2027 |
Adoption (Regulation 26) | Q3 2027 |
* Estimated dates. These will be determined by the Secretary of State / Planning Inspectorate.
Documents to be replaced
The Local Plan will fully supersede both the Core Strategy (2012) and Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan (2008) upon adoption.
Community / Stakeholder Involvement
The Publication version (Regulation 19) of the Local Plan will be carried out in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement.
Progress on the delivery of site allocations and the effectiveness of policy will be assessed and reported through the Council’s Authority Monitoring Report. Issues with delivery or effectiveness of policy will then be considered to explore if a Plan review is needed.
Future Work Programme
Local Plan Review
Due to various changes at national level surrounding Planning Policy, such as the introduction of National Development Management Planning Policies, it will be necessary to begin an immediate review of Kingston’s Local Plan upon adoption.
It is likely that the London Plan will also be reviewed prior to the adoption of this Local Plan, and therefore it will be pertinent to ensure that the Local Plan aligns with regional policy direction.
New Supplementary Plans
The Local Plan addresses a variety of high-level issues through strategic policies. Supplementary Plans can add further detail and guidance to the planning process. It is important that the hooks are in place within the Local Plan as the key Development Plan for the borough to allow for further detail to be added to policies, such as through masterplans and design codes.
The following potential plans and guidance documents will be prioritised for delivery in the two years following the adoption of the Local Plan.
- Kingston Town Centre Area Plan
- Borough Wide Design Codes
- Heritage Supplementary Plan
- Blue and Green Infrastructure Supplementary Plan