Local Development Scheme - 2025 to 2027

Supporting Documents

Local Development Documents

Policies Map

  • The Policies Map illustrates the adopted Development Plan’s policies and designations. The Policies Map will be updated when the new Local Plan is adopted.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

  • The 2020 SCI sets out how the Council will involve the public in the preparation of planning documents and provides guidance on how the public can respond to planning applications, giving people a say in the planning process. This has been updated to reflect the most up to date approach for the Borough.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

  • SPDs are not part of the Development Plan, so do not hold the same weight in planning decisions, but are a material consideration for future planning applications. They provide additional guidance and detail to support the effective implementation of adopted Development Plan policies. View the list of the borough’s adopted Supplementary Planning Documents.

  • Following the adoption of the new Local Plan, the status of existing SPDs will need to be considered and addressed. Supplementary Plans are a new type of document that may be prepared by a local planning authority. They will replace SPDs which do not have the weight of the adopted Development Plan. Supplementary Plans are independently examined. There are certain limits on the allowable scope of Supplementary Plans (either by subject matter or geography). Supplementary Plans address site-specific needs or opportunities which require a new planning framework to be prepared quickly (like a new regeneration opportunity), or to act as a vehicle for setting out authority-wide or other design codes.

Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)

The AMR assesses the delivery of development and the effectiveness of the local policies set out in the Council’s statutory planning documents. The report monitors performance on an annual basis.

Last Modified: 15/08/2024 15:46:58