Local Development Scheme - 2025 to 2027

Community Infrastructure Levy & Neighbourhood Planning

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tool for local authorities to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of the area. It applies to most new buildings and is primarily paid by the owners/developers of the land being developed. Charges (or rates) are calculated in accordance with any relevant adopted Charging Schedules which in turn vary depending on the size, type and location of the development. The Council adopted its CIL Charging Schedule in November 2015.

The London Mayoral CIL (MCIL1) is a charging schedule which was originally introduced with the intention of raising up to £600 million to help finance Crossrail. This MCIL charge is applicable to developments in any and all London Boroughs and calculated based on the amount of additional floorspace created, the location and how development is to be used.

The Mayor of London introduced a new MCIL2 charging schedule in April 2019 for all development in London (which supersedes MCIL1). The use of this Levy has since been changed to cover repayments relating to the delivery of the Elizabeth Line (Crossrail 1).

Neighbourhood Planning

The Localism Act 2011 enables local communities through the establishment of Neighbourhood Forums to prepare Neighbourhood Plans for their local area. The Plans should set out how growth will be accommodated, and need to be in conformity with the objectives and policies of the Core Strategy.  

The Council’s role in Neighbourhood Planning is to provide advice and support to communities to help them prepare their Plans, and once approved at independent Examination, to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan as part of the Development Plan. Adopted Neighbourhood Plans must be taken into account in planning application decision-making.

There has been some community interest across the borough in Neighbourhood Planning. There is one designated Neighbourhood Forum (North Kingston Forum) which is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for the designated North Kingston Neighbourhood Area. There is one other designated Neighbourhood Area (Malden Rushett), but there has not been a Neighbourhood Forum designated for this area yet.

Last Modified: 10/03/2025 16:48:21