Previous consultations
Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy consultation
Along with our partners, we are seeking your views on the development of the ‘Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy’ and the ‘Voluntary Sector Compact for Kingston 2013’.
The VCS strategy aims to recognise and capitalise on the role the voluntary and community sector play in the delivery of services and projects in the community, helping to move the voluntary sector from the margins to the mainstream.
The VCS Compact for Kingston has been refreshed to reflect the way the relationship between statutory authorities and the voluntary and community sector has moved forward. It sets out a model for a way of working between statutory organisations and their VCS partners, playing a crucial part in supporting the development and implementation of the VCS Strategy in Kingston.
Both documents, the strategy and compact, were put together by a working group made of representatives from the Council, Kingston Race and Equalities Council, Kingston Centre for Independent Living, Kingston Voluntary Action, Kingston WelCare, Kingston Citizens Advice Bureau, Age Concern Kingston and Kingston Advocacy Group.
Councillor Liz Green, Leader of the Council, said:
“We are working very hard with our partners to ensure we offer the best opportunities for the voluntary and community sector to grow strong and take an active part in the delivery of the services our residents need. This consultation is your opportunity to ensure these documents, the ‘Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy’ and the ‘Voluntary Sector Compact for Kingston 2013’ are fit for purpose and geared to help us achieve this vision.”
Survey closed on Friday 11 October.
Read the Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy
Read the Voluntary Sector Compact
Find out more about the Voluntary and community sector