Previous consultations
Re-organisation of children's centres consultation
We know children’s centres are important to local people and we want to make sure they provide quality services that offer value for money, and respond to the needs of those Kingston families who benefit most from pre-birth and early years support.
The need to provide services that are good value for money is critical as, like all local authorities, Kingston Council is facing substantial cuts to the grant it receives from the government, and this means we have to review services and make savings.
Our proposal sets out a new way of delivering Children’s Centre services across the Borough which will meet our legislative duties and ensure services are provided for local families with greatest need alongside services for all families to access. We are proposing to change the way we manage our Children’s Centres while ensuring that all of our 10 Children’s Centre sites stay open and continue to provide services and activities for families with young children.
We propose to move to a model of Hub and Spoke – this is where one centre is a 'lead' centre (a hub) which oversees the range of services at nearby centres (a spoke). We are proposing to have four hub centres across the borough with will link in with centres in their local area – therefore all centres remain open.
We very much appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey to let us know your views. The consultation closed on 29 May 2013.