Previous consultations

Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Revised Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document

We are preparing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule for Kingston.

CIL is a new charge that we can place on developments in the borough to contribute to the funding of infrastructure to support growth. The charging schedule will provide a transparent process that will give greater certainty and confidence for developers.

Find out more about the CIL in our Planning section

The first stage in the process was a public consultation on a Preliminary Draft CIL Charging Schedule which took place in spring 2013. Representations received were considered and have resulted in some changes to the proposed rates.

A Draft CIL Charging Schedule was prepared for a second round of public consultation held between 10 January and 7 March 2014. At the same time we also consulted on a  Draft Revised Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document. 

The Draft Charging Schedule, Draft Revised Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document and supporting documents are available for inspection:

Representations received will be taken into consideration before submitting the CIL Charging Schedule (in accordance with Section 212 of the Planning Act) for independent examination in public by an independent inspector.

If you have any questions please contact us at or on 020 8547 5002.

Last Modified: 24/01/2020 14:08:33