Take steps to prepare for climate change
Get flood ready

While our summers are expected to become hotter and drier we are also expecting our winters to become wetter with more frequent periods of heavy rain.
It might also surprise you to know that there is also an increased risk of flooding after a period of drier weather. This is because warmer air can hold more moisture, leading to heavier downpours which can’t be absorbed by the ground as it has been hardened by the heat. This leads to surface water flooding.
We are helping by:
- Creating sustainable drainage systems and rain gardens
- Planting more trees to help soak up extra water and slow down the rate at which rain hits the ground
- Installing sensors in parts of the borough to detect drainage issues
Get flood ready:
- Check to see if your home is at risk of flooding from rivers, surface water, reservoirs or ground water by visiting the Government’s website.
- Sign up for flood warnings and get updates by call, text or email - it’s a free service.
- Create a personalised Flood Plan so you and your family know what to do in the event of a flood.
- Check your gutters and consider flood protection measures such as flood barriers, air brick covers, and non-return valves for your property.
- Avoid paving over your garden and instead consider a rain garden to help drainage.
- Take a look at the National Flood Forum for more advice
- Make sure your home insurance covers flooding. If it doesn’t visit the FloodRe insurance scheme.