Take steps to prepare for climate change

Beat the heat

A miniature cartoon man with red hair stands on a sofa while a lady fans herself in the hot weather.

Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases act like a blanket, trapping heat from the sun and causing the planet to warm and leading to extreme and changing weather patterns.

The warmest years on record have occurred in the last 10 years and it is predicted that heatwaves will become more severe, frequent and will last longer.

You can help beat the heat by:

  • Consider creating shade on your external walls using awnings, large potted plants or trees.
  • Opening your windows at the right time. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to open them when the air outside your home is cooler to get a breeze through your home, not when it is warmer.
  • Closing blinds and curtains - this is also a matter of timing. Close blinds and curtains when the sun is shining through a window and only open them when the sun has moved away.
  • Switch to LED bulbs - they give off less heat and are cheaper to run.
  • If you use air conditioning, switch to a green energy tariff that uses renewable technologies like wind and solar to provide you with electricity. Otherwise, more fossil fuels will be burnt to cool your home, feeding the cycle.
  • Stay hydrated and if leaving the house take a hat, lightweight shirt to cover your skin and bottle of water with you.

Last Modified: 15/08/2024 21:38:47