Report a repair

Asking for a repair

Information on who is responsible for repairs and how to request a repair

Emergency repairs

Call 0208 547 5003 to report an emergency repair. Do not report emergency repairs using the form. 

Call us to tell us about:

  • burst pipes or uncontrollable leaks
  • no power to the property
  • boarding up broken windows
  • insecure front door or window
  • loss of drinking water - you should also contact Thames Water to see if they are aware of the issue 

Non-urgent repairs

Any non urgent repairs can be reported online. 

Report Your Repair

You can email or call 0208 547 5003 to report a repair. 

Time frames

We will attend to urgent repairs first. We will make an appointment for routine repairs

Our time frame for completing repairs is:

  • emergency repairs: 2hrs
  • urgent repairs: 24 hours
  • routine repairs: 20 working days
  • exceptional repairs: within 20 working days

We will try to complete your repair within the maximum time frame.

Read the breyers resident handbook

Last Modified: 01/10/2024 15:06:45

Housing Contact Centre

You can get in touch with our Contact Centre

Address: Guildhall 2
High Street
Kingston upon Thames

Telephone: 0208 547 5003