Safer Kingston Partnership Plan 2024-2029

Right Support, Right Time, Right Place

Working together remains an important aspect of our ambition in Kingston. Shared priorities and actions to improve community safety are taken across many of the strategic partnerships in Kingston such as:

This arrangement is facilitated by a Board Chairs interface meeting and a Board Coordinators meeting. The Safer Kingston Partnership Plan also supports the delivery of strategies and action plans developed by:

  • Kingston’s Strategic Partnership for Alcohol and Drugs.
  • Youth Justice Service Management Board.
  • Kingston’s Suicide Prevention Steering Group.
  • Borough Resilience Forum.


The Safer Kingston Partnership is responsible for delivering the priorities set out in this plan. We will develop a framework of strategies and annual delivery plans that bring our resources together to provide an effective response to the shared priorities and commitments, cross cutting themes and form our core work plan.

There are several thematic groups, forums, boards, etc. that are responsible for developing and monitoring the annual delivery plans and will inform reports on progress and performance to the Safer Kingston Partnership on a quarterly basis. Areas of concern will be escalated to these meetings.

Monitoring and Evaluation

We will measure our achievements by monitoring activity and outcomes, developing case studies and evaluating the impact of the joined-up approach with all of our partners.

The priorities will be reviewed every year to make sure any emerging trends from the annual strategic assessment are factored into future years’ delivery.

Insights and Feedback

We will embed opportunities for different beneficiary groups – including young people, families, community members, victims, offenders and professionals – to share their insights and to shape services and interventions. We will collaborate with our partners to strengthen their community involvement work to ensure that diverse voices are listened to.

Knowledge Exchange

We will adopt a reciprocal approach to knowledge exchange by facilitating opportunities to share grassroots insights, and by using a range of engaging and accessible approaches to share new evidence and learning from within and beyond the Safer Kingston Partnership.


We will continue to improve the robustness of evaluations conducted by the Safer Kingston Partnership and across the system. This will include:

  • Process Evaluations - When implementing new interventions we will conduct process evaluations to assess how they’re being delivered and what’s working well or needs improving.
  • Impact Evaluations - Where possible we will undertake impact evaluations to provide an objective assessment of what difference Safer Kingston Partnership supported interventions are making.

Last Modified: 07/02/2024 11:57:50