Safer Kingston Partnership Plan 2024-2029

How we will do it

The principles of a public health approach to policing provide a useful framework to underpin our work:

  1. Seeking to prevent an issue for the population as a whole, and intervening early with at-risk groups to reduce the harm caused by the issue, including promoting recovery and increasing resilience
  2. Developing a detailed understanding of the nature, extent, and impact of an issue – including the evidence of what is likely to cause or prevent it in the short, medium and long term – using shared data and intelligence.
  3. Understanding that the police, their partners and communities can work together to address the causes and impact of an issue by taking a whole system approach
  4. Working with partners to coordinate tailored and targeted action that, together, aims to prevent:
    • an issue emerging in the first place or re-emerging by focusing on social determinants/the causes at a population level (primary prevention)
    • an emerging issue from becoming an established problem (secondary prevention)
    • an established problem getting worse and becoming a crisis, and mitigating the immediate impact of the problem (tertiary prevention)
  5. Assessing how well interventions are implemented, and how effective they are at preventing the issue for your population and/or reducing the harm to relevant groups
  6. Learning from the implementation and effectiveness of actions, and making any changes that are necessary at an individual, organisation or system wide level
  7. Building leadership across public services and communities to work together to address an issue, its causes and harms, by aligning strategy, leadership and resources


We will adopt the five key principles which guide good practice in partnership working and are called the 5Cs:

  1. Collaboration: we will take a collaborative whole-systems approach that brings partners together from a broad range of functions to achieve our shared vision.
  2. Co-production: our approach and the work undertaken will be informed by the perspectives of all partners and the local community
  3. Co-operation in data and intelligence sharing: we will share data and intelligence to ensure we have a better understanding of the levels and nature of local issues; help to identify groups, services and areas affected; inform targeting; and measure the impact of interventions
  4. Counter-narrative development: we will create opportunities for personal development and the option to pursue alternatives to criminal activities, by supporting positive aspirations, promoting positive role-models and celebrating the strength of our communities
  5. Community consensus: community consensus lies at the heart of our place based multi-agency approach. Our approach will be with and for our local communities and empower them to participate and get involved in tackling issues that affect them.

Last Modified: 07/02/2024 12:04:47