Active Kingston
Active Kingston framework 2023
We want to create a thriving and active community to enable everyone to lead healthier lives. We want to transform our Borough into a place where residents of all ages and abilities have the opportunity to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle.
To make this happen, we have produced the Active Kingston Framework, adopted at the Place Committee on 7 November 2023. This brings together three strategies:
- Kingston Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Kingston Outdoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
(Incorporating a Kingston Playing Pitch Strategy) - Kingston Physical Activity Assessment
The Active Kingston Framework highlights four areas where we want to make improvements. As a Council, we cannot achieve this on our own and we will need to work in close partnership with our communities and stakeholders, to make it happen.
● Active Environment
We will ensure that Kingston has the right dedicated indoor and outdoor facilities, supported by opportunities for sport, physical activity and recreation through sensitive use of the borough’s green and blue infrastructure and a built environment that prioritises active lives.
● Active Wellbeing
We will work with partners to improve health outcomes and tackle inequalities through targeted sport and physical activity initiatives.
● Active Communities
We will work with local clubs and groups to ensure that the Kingston sport and recreation offer strengthens community connection, fosters social inclusion and encourages people to engage in physical activity throughout their life.
● Active Collaboration
We will build partnerships across the private, public and voluntary sectors to identify opportunities, codesign solutions and deliver initiatives that support active communities and increase participation
Active Kingston Network
An Active Kingston Network will be established to bring together and align partners' existing priorities and targets within one joined up local action plan, based upon the needs of local communities and ensuring clarity in roles and responsibilities.
To support and deliver the outcomes set out in the Active Kingston Framework, we have an action plan, the Active Kingston Network will use this action plan to deliver action against the outcomes for the four themes.