Active Kingston

Active Kingston card

About the scheme

The Active Kingston Card entitles you to receive up to 70 per cent discount on a wide range of leisure activities in Kingston.

To be eligible for the card, you must be a resident of the borough and any one of the following: 

  • aged 60 or over
  • in receipt of Universal credit
  • receiving Job seekers allowance
  • a full-time student in further or higher education
  • registered disabled or in receipt of a disability Living allowance or Personal Independance payment
  • Kingston's looked after children 

Due to changes in the benefit system, this criteria will be subject to change.

The Active Kingston Card is valid for one year for under 60s and for ten years for those over 60. 


  • you can only use the facilities if they are available
  • your Active Kingston Card is valid for one year unless you no longer qualify
  • if you are aged 60 or over your Active Kingston Card will be valid for 10 years
  • if your circumstances change you must tell the centre where you are registered, or Active Kingston, immediately
  • the card is not transferable

How to apply

The card costs just £2 and application forms are available from the scheme centres and libraries in the borough, or can be downloaded.

Complete the form and return to one of the scheme centres, along with payment, two passport sized and proof of residency and eligibility.

Active Kingston application form

Proof of residency

You will need to produce proof of residency, for example:

  • driving licence
  • utility bill (less than two months old)
  • Council Tax bill

Proof of eligibility

If you are aged 60 and over you will need to include one of the following:

  • pension credit award letter
  • bus / freedom pass
  • birth certificate

If you are in receipt of jobseeker’s allowance you will need to include one of the following:

  • bank statement showing JSA credits
  • current benefit confirmation letter

If you are in receipt of Universal Creidt you will need to include one of the following:

  • notification letter
  • bank statement

If you are a student you will need to include full time student identification.

If you are registered disabled or in receipt of a disability benefit or Personal Independance Benefit you will need to include the following:

  • notification letter 

If you are in receipt of carer’s allowance you will need to include one of the following:

  • notification letter
  • bank statement

Our staff will check your documents and return them to you immediately. Please note that bank statements must be current

Last Modified: 07/10/2024 11:22:01