Parking permits and visitor vouchers

Resident permits

New Permit Fee Structure

On 27 February 2024, the Council approved a new tiered parking permit pricing structure, which will take effect on 11 April 2024. To encourage sustainable transportation and mitigate the environmental effects of multiple-vehicle households, we are implementing a new pricing structure for parking permits. The revised fee schedule will include higher rates for second and third vehicles. Please see below for an example of the updated pricing.

How much it costs currently (Until 10 April 2025)

  • £30 for a 1 month permit
  • £47.50 for a 3 month permit
  • £75 for a 6 month permit
  • £120 for a 12 month permit

How much will a permit cost (From 11 April 2025)

Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone - 1 month (1st Permit) £30.00 £30.80
Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone - 3 months (1st Permit) £47.50 £48.70
Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone - 6 months (1st Permit) £75.00 £77.00
Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone 12 months (1st Permit) £120.00 £123.10
Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone - 1 month (2nd Permit) £30.00 £46.20
Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone - 3 months (2nd Permit) £47.50 £73.10
Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone - 6 months (2nd Permit) £75.00 £115.50
Resident Parking Permit - Single Eligible Zone 12 months (2nd Permit) £120.00 £184.70

Although we appreciate that this change will have a financial impact on households, it aims to reduce the number of vehicles per household and promote sustainable, active travel options, such as walking, cycling, and public transport.

Further information on the Kingston Climate Action Strategy 2024 - 2030

Further information to the Budget Council meeting that took place on 27 February 2025

Further information regarding increases to our fees & charges (including hourly parking charges)

Buy a resident permit online to park on the road you live on. 

You can buy them for all Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) (A, B, C, G, H, N, R, S, T, and V) and Permit Parking Areas (PPAs) (DB, DC, DD, DE, DF, DG, DH).

You can buy a permit for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. You can apply for one permit per vehicle per person. There is a video guide to applying on this page.

What you need to apply

You’ll need to provide electronic copies (scanned or photographed) of documents to prove your address and confirm who owns your vehicle.

Proof of address

Copies of 2 of the following:

  • Council Tax document
  • tenancy agreement
  • utility bill (we cannot accept mobile phone bills)
  • driving licence
  • bank statement

One of the documents must be less than 3 months old and the others no more than 6 months old.

Vehicle verification

If you own or lease your vehicle, you will need to provide a copy of one of the following:

  • vehicle log book (V5C) registration certificate with your name and current address
  • insurance documents showing the vehicle and driver details and current address
  • if the car is leased, you’ll need to show a copy of a formal hire or lease agreement for the vehicle showing your current address

Company cars

If your employer or business owns your vehicle, you must provide both of the following for vehicle verification:

  • vehicle log book (V5C) registration certificate under the company name
  • a letter on the company's headed paper signed by the company secretary confirming you're the vehicle keeper, the vehicle registration and your home address

If you’ve just moved in

You can apply for a one-off new residents permit which will be valid for 3 months. 

You’ll need to provide a tenancy agreement or solicitor's letter dated within the last 3 months.

Apply for resident permit

Video guide to applying

Accessing your online account

Your password for your account can be reset online through the forgot password link. You can do this online to create a new password or unlock your account.

After you apply

Permits start when you receive an email confirming that your permit is active. 

Depending on the type of permit purchased, approval may be instant or if it requires verification, it may take up to 10 working days after the day you make your application.

Residents who are not eligible for a permit

Homeowners and tenants living in some properties may not be eligible for a parking permit, due to planning conditions originally agreed upon with the developer.

This is known as the Section 106 agreement for car-free or capped housing. Check with your landlord or the person who sold you the property. 

We cannot check if you're eligible unless you apply for a permit.

Last Modified: 20/03/2025 15:12:12

Parking Permits

Contact us for any enquires with regards to parking permits, Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm

Telephone: 0345 319 9636