Community Grants

Community Resilience Fund (Now Closed)

The Community Resilience Fund is now closed

Information about projects awarded funding is available on our website

There are also a number of other Community Grants available from the council - information is on our website at

Good causes can also apply to joining and raise funds via the Kingston Community Lottery - more information is on the Kingston Lottery website at

About the Community Resilience Fund

The council launched a £720,000 Community Resilience Fund in April 2023 to support community, voluntary and cultural organisations through the cost of living crisis.

There were three opportunities to apply for funding and three types of funding. The fund ran for one year. 

Application windows

Tranche 1 open 18 April - 31 May 2023  

Tranche 2 open 1 Sept - 16 October 2023 

Tranche 3 open 3 January - 12 February 2024

Funding options

Route 1 - Core Costs up to £3,000
Route 2 - Small Projects up to £5,000
Route 3 - Larger Projects up to £20,000 

Information on types of funding awarded

Three types of funding available through the Community Resilience Fund:

Core costs - The council will reimburse an increase in an organisation’s rent or energy bills up to a maximum value of £3,000. Funding will be awarded based on how the organisation supports the borough to be resilient. For more details go to the prospectus below

Small projects - Up to £5,000 to maintain or develop a community resilience response. Organisations will provide a short proposal and funding will be awarded based on how the response supports the borough to be resilient. For more details go to the prospectus below

Large projects - £20,000 to develop a new approach (exceptional applications over £20k may be considered). Organisations will provide a detailed proposal and outcomes monitoring. Funding will be awarded based on how the new approach supports the borough to be resilient. For more details go to the prospectus below.

Application support 

Application support was available from 

email or telephone 0208 547 5000.

Appeals Process

The assessment process was rigorous, and bids are assessed according to the funding guidance. The applicant has the right to follow the route to appeal. The appeals process enables the funding applicant to submit questions to clarify the decisions made relating to their application. These questions must be submitted within 20 working days of the decision being issued.

The applicants’ enquiry must be issued in writing. It is preferred if this is provided by email to, including the following information:
1. Application Reference
2. Funding applicant name and email address
3. Any questions relating to the decision

The appeals process is a 3 stage process. These stages are set out below. This process is to befollowed by the applicant and the Council.

Stage 1 - Clarification

The applicant will be invited to submit their clarification question(s) about the decision to or through the “application support service”

1. The enquiry must:

● Be submitted by either of the applicants named on the application
● State the application reference number
● Be submitted via either of the email addresses listed on the application (where the appeal is made through the “application support service” a copy of the appeal will be provided to both of these email addresses)
● Reflect the questions being posed by the applicant

At Stage 1, the response will be provided by the officer who provided the final review of the application.

The applicant will be provided with:

● The assessment recorded by the two council officers that reviewed the application
● Any further comment that was recorded by the council officer responsible for moderating and approving the decision (where further comment was recorded)
● Responses to further questions as set out by the applicant (where these questions are relevant to the decision made). If a question is not found to be relevant to the decision made, the reasoning for this will be set out in the response
● Further contextual information where relevant.

The applicant will receive this response within 10 working days.

Stage 2 - Review

If the applicant does not accept the Stage 1 response, they will be invited to resubmit their appeal as a Stage 2 appeal, making clear which of the originally submitted questions remain unanswered or require a more detailed response.

The Head of Service responsible for the Funding Programme will review the Stage 1 response and will provide a further response within 20 working days.

Stage 3 - Second Review (Appeal)

If the applicant does not accept as adequate the Stage 2 response, they will be invited to resubmit their appeal as a Stage 3 appeal, making clear which of the originally submitted questions remain unanswered or require a more detailed response.

The request for appeal will be presented to the Assistant Director for Culture, Communities and Engagement, along with the responses from Stage 1 Clarification and Stage 2 Review.

If it is deemed the applicant has grounds to appeal, the application will be re-assessed by the relevant Corporate Head of Service and the Assistant Director. The re-assessment of the application will not automatically result in a different decision.

A response resulting from the appeal and associated re-assessment of the application will be provided 20 working days after the applicant’s second review request has been received.

Last Modified: 04/06/2024 11:20:06