Bands, Orchestras and Theory Groups

STARter Groups

Starter Groups start in September each year. 

Group lessons are a great way of introducing students to learning a musical instrument.

Our STARter Groups are a wonderful way of getting into the Trumpet, Clarinet, Cello, Trombone or Violin. 

Members of the KMS STARter Groups are all beginners. They learn together, sing together and have fun together. Groups start in September and finish in July with a Concert for parents. STARter Groups cost £85 per term of 10 sessions. As a STARter Group member you get 50% off instrument hire

Details Suitability Location/Time
Clarinet STARS Yr 4-6 Wednesday 
Tolworth Music Centre
Trumpet STARS Yr 3-6
Must have 4 front adult teeth
Tolworth Music Centre
Violin STARS Yr 3-6 Wednesday 
Tolworth Music Centre
Cello STARS Yr 3-6

Tolworth Music Centre

Trombone STARS Yr 3-6
Must have 4 front adult teeth
Tolworth Music Centre

To register for one of our STARter Groups, visit our registration pages. To register, choose the correct venue/day in "Find a Music Centre" then choose Starter Groups for "Choose a Course" below.

Groups with more than 8 members will be 45mins long, groups with less than 8 memebers will be 30mins long.
STARter Groups have a minimum sign up required to start. If this is not met, the class may start later than September or not at all.

If you are interested in a STARter group but are unsure which one - or you are interested in a STARter group/club starting at your school, complete this expression of interest form.

Last Modified: 13/06/2024 13:00:44