Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board

Safeguarding Adults Board Resources

NEW Making Safeguarding Personal Report 2023/2024

November 2024

The Kingston SAB welcomed the Healthwatch Making Safeguarding Personal Report for 2023-24. The SAB partners recognise that there is learning from the report which needs to be taken forward to improve how agencies work with people who come to the attention of the safeguarding system.. The progress on the learning  will be reported on in the KSAB Annual Report for 2024-25. 

Nicola Brownjohn, Independent Chair for Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board


Annual Reports

The Safeguarding Board's Annual Reports give a summary of what the Board has done each year and how this has contributed towards achieving its vision and goals.

Policies, Procedures, Guidance and Leaflets

KSAB Newsletters

Developing Together - Social Work Teaching Partnership

We are involved in a unique Social Work Teaching Partnership, to find out more see Adult Safeguarding resources

Last Modified: 05/12/2024 09:44:58