Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board

Safeguarding Adults Board Sub Groups

The Board meets quarterly and undertakes its work through its various groups and working parties.

Kingston Vulnerable Adults Multi Agency Panel (KVAMA)

Any partner can make a referral to the panel of situations which have already been considered within partner agencies risk assessment processes and there remains a significant risk.  All referrals are to be made on the Referral Form and sent securely via email to KVAMA 10 days prior to the panel meeting to allow screening of the referral and to set an agenda.

Referral Form

The Panel meets monthly to consider high risk, complex cases where the initial Safeguarding Adults Procedure and its associated policies have been unable to reduce or alleviate the risk(s).  It will provide a clear and comprehensive review of multi-agency risk assessment and management plans; the panel will discuss the referrals and agree a risk mitigation plan.  A lead organisation will be assigned to co-ordinate multi-agency work and to report back on progress.

It is co-chaired by the Corporate Head of Service for Safeguarding and the Corporate Head of Service for Mental Health.  Membership includes Corporate Head of Service for Housing & Community, Corporate Head of Service for Learning Disability, Safeguarding Adults Senior Practitioner as well as representation from partner agencies: Your Healthcare, London Fire Brigade, Kingston Hospital.

Safeguarding Adults Review Sub Group (SAR)

The SAR Sub Group was developed to oversee the Board's response to the Section 44 of the Care Act (2014) requirement to hold a Safeguarding Adults Review when an adult dies where abuse or neglect may have occurred.

It is chaired by Asst Director - Adult Social Care and attended by Senior Officers designated by the 3 statutory partners.  The SAR Sub Group meets 6 times a year.

The SAR Sub Group has evaluated and reviewed our Local Safeguarding Adults Protocol and included a MSP focus on the involvement of the relevant person or their family and friends in the SAR process. 

Communication, Learning and Development Sub Group

The Communication, Learning & Development  Sub Group raises public awareness of safeguarding and how to act on concerns about abuse and neglect. The sub-group is chaired by a representative from the Intergated Care Board. It meets on a quarterly basis and has representatives from local authority Communications Team, Adult Social Care, Commissioning, Kingston Hospital, Intergated Care Board, Kingston Volutary Action and Kingston Healthwatch.

Performance & Audit Sub Group

The Performance & Audit Sub Group will meet on a quarterly basis.  This is a new sub-group and the first meeting is scheduled in June 2024.

Care Governance Board (CGB)

Purpose of CGB

The purpose of the Care Governance Board (CGB) is to report on and manage quality and risk across the whole care market  in Kingston.  This group will help report on any issues and concerns, manage risks in the market place and support good practice in quality and delivery. 

The aim of the CGB

This is a multi-disciplinary group with a scope across Kingston and commissioned provision:

  • Quality Management - managing the quality of provision across Kingston
  • Information Sharing - sharing knowledge on the market 
  • Performance Monitoring - monitoring the marketing and individual provider performance
  • Risk Management - highlighting known risks in the community and mitigating their impact on services 
  • Escalation of issues with regards to provider concerns that are posing potential risks to Kingston residents receiving support

Last Modified: 10/06/2024 11:54:04