Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board
About the Safeguarding Adults Board
The role of the Safeguarding Adults Board is governed by the Care Act 2014. The Board's role is to seek assurance that agencies are working together effectively to keep adults safe from abuse and neglect. This website is intended to give an overview of the board, its activities and to provide information on how adults at risk are protected. In July 2022, the Statutory Partners appointed a new Independent KSAB Chair, Nicola Brownjohn.
Nicola Brownjohn, is an Independent Consultant with over 30 years’ experience of health work and over 20 years’ experience of partnership working to promote the safeguarding of children and adults. Nicola also have extensive experience of leading on strategic work to scrutinize partnerships and improve quality. As an Independent Safeguarding Consultant, this has encompassed various leadership roles, undertaking safeguarding reviews focussing on Adult Mental Health, Suicide, Criminal and Sexual exploitation, Domestic Abuse, Self-Neglect, Loneliness and Isolation, Learning Disabilities, Prison Health and Covid Impact on Families, along with communicating with Senior Leaders and frontline Practitioners. Nicola enjoys promoting courageous and collaborative leadership by empowering others at all levels, to speak up to ensure the best care for children and adults. Nicola will listen and be proactive in getting things down to showcase good work.
The Royal Borough of Kingston welcomes Nicola Brownjohn to the Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board.
Statutory Function
The Care Act 2014 places statutory functions on the Board. It must publish a Strategic Plan, write an Annual Report and conduct a Safeguarding Adult Review if an adult with care and support needs dies and abuse or neglect is suspected.
Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2023/24
6 Principles of Safeguarding
- Empowerment - presumption of person led decisions and informed consent
- Prevention - it is better to take action before harm occurs
- Proportionality - proportionate and least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented
- Protection - support and representation for those in greatest need
- Partnerships - local solutions through services working with their communities
- Accountability - accountability and transparency in delivering
Our Vision
Our vision is for individuals within the community of Kingston to be able to live a life free from abuse and neglect.
Strategic Objectives
In order to respond to the main drivers and to uphold the principles, the Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board have identified three key priorities to achieve for 2023-2025;
- Adult at Risks are at the core of all prevention work undertaken by the Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board.
- Improve the outcome for those individuals who have experienced abuse or neglect by committing to the 9 key safeguarding principles of Kingston.
- Use of learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews to continually improve practice across Kingston.
The Safeguarding Adults Board consists of senior members of the Council, Metropolitan Police and Kingston Integrated Care Board as its statutory partner organisations. It has an Independent Chair, Nicola Brownjohn.
The following bodies are Board members:
- Kingston Council - Adult Social Services, Housing, Public Health & Safer Kingston Partnership
- Integrated Care Board (formerly Clinical Commissioning Group)
- Metropolitan Police - Kingston
- Achieving for Children
- London Fire Brigade
- National Probation Service - London
- South West London & St Georges Mental Health Trust
- Kingston Healthwatch
- Care Quality Commission
- Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Your Healthcare
- Kingston Voluntary Action
- GP Representative
- Elected Member