Tenant satisfaction measures

Management information measures (MIs)

There are ten MIs across four areas. They are collected in landlord and management data. . 

Management information measures report 2023-24

This report covers the 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Reference number; Description of standard Percentage / number
RP01 Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard 5.4%
RP02 Non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale 78.7%
RP02 Emergency repairs completed within target timescale 87.9%
BS01 Gas safety checks completed 100%
BS02 Fire safety checks completed 100%
BS03 Asbestos safety checks completed 100%
BS04 Water safety checks completed 100%
BS05 Lift safety checks completed 100%
CH01 Number of Stage 1 complaints relative to the size of the landlord (number of complaints per 1,000 properties) 54.3
CH01 Number of Stage 2 complaints relative to the size of the landlord (number of complaints per 1,000 properties) 11.7
CH02 Stage 1 complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales 49.5%
CH02 Stage 2 complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales 42.3%
NM01 Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (number of cases per 1,000 properties) 6.9
NM01 Anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents, relative to the size of the landlord (number of cases with hate incidents per 1,000 properties)


Since the publication of the TSMs in September 2022, we have created plans and procedures to make sure we are submitting accurate and quality-assured data to the Social Housing Regulator.

We have worked with our service leads over the last year to continue to refine our collection and reporting processes with quarterly reporting on our performance. This has meant we have found potential issues early and taken action to solve them before we submitted our results in June 2024.Our Resident Scrutiny Group will continue to work with the council on these results and look at ways to improve satisfaction amongst our tenants and our processes.

Last Modified: 09/07/2024 10:06:57