Tenant satisfaction measures

Collecting and reporting on Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) is a regulatory requirement.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures include information about how we are performing and what our tenants feel about the homes and services we provide and hold us to account provide a source of intelligence to the regulator on whether landlords are meeting the standards. We will also use the TSM information to continuously develop and improve our services.

Along with all other registered social housing landlords, we must:

  • collect performance data in line with the Tenant Satisfaction Measures from April 1, 2023.
  • annually submit performance results against the Tenant Satisfaction Measures to the Regulator of Social Housing, commencing June 2024.
  • annually publish our performance against specified Tenant Satisfaction Measures, from June 2024.

Landlords with a stock of over 1,000 properties must submit this data yearly. Surveys will run once every quarter starting from May 2024.

We have commissioned Acuity Research and Practice, an independent market research company that specialises in the housing industry, to carry out the survey for our tenants.

Acuity Research and Practice provides tenant satisfaction surveys and other research services across the housing sector. They also provide benchmarking services, data analytics and voice of the customer analysis to improve services and engage with residents across the country.

Who will take part

Acuity Research and Practice will contact a sample of Kingston Council tenants by:

  • phone (calls will come from 020 3807 4145)
  • email (emails will come from acuity@euro.confirmit.com)

They will be hoping to interview a wide range of tenants. We expect around 200 residents to be surveyed each quarter by telephone. A representative sample of tenants will be contacted, to ensure the results represent the whole tenant base.

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.


The survey is strictly confidential and if a resident requests, the results can be given back to us anonymously without their name attached.

Data will be aggregated and reported to the regulator for social housing who will publish the results but will not receive or publish any individual's personal information.

If you have any queries about the survey, contact involvedinhousing@kingston.gov.uk or email Acuity at acuity@arap.co.uk.

How are we doing

Our 2023/2024 end-of-year results

A total of 1,085 surveys were collected during May and November 2023, and February and March 2024.

Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with the overall service from their landlord. 63 %

Keeping properties in good repair

  • 62% Satisfied that homes are well maintained
  • 59% Satisfied that communal areas are clean, safe and well maintained
  • 68% Satisfied with overall repairs service
  • 66% Satisfied with the time taken to complete last repair
  • 61% Satisfied with repairs and maintenance generally

Safety in our properties

  • 72% Satisfied that the home is safe

Respectful and helpful engagement

  • 30% Satisfied with our handling of complaints
  • 61% satisfied that Council's Housing Services is easy to deal with
  • 72% Satisfied that we keep you informed
  • 69% agree that we treat you fairly and with respect
  • 50% Satisfied that we listen to your views and act upon them

Responsible neighbourhood management

  • 62% Satisfied that we make positive contributions to your neighbourhoods
  • 58% Satisfied with how we handle anti-social behaviour cases

You can download the full non-accessible report from our website

What next

A range of measures have been or are being put in place by Kingston Landlord Services to improve overall satisfaction with your landlord Kingston Council.

This includes better communication with our residents including developing more opportunities to get involved.

We need you to get involved!

Getting involved isn't just about attending meetings – there are many ways to be part of your community.

You can engage with us online, over the phone or by post - whether it’s joining us on an estate walkabout, a one-off focus group or spending a few minutes doing a quick survey - there’s a role for you!

It's also a great way of meeting new people and gaining valuable skills and experience. Our housing services matter most to the people who live in our council homes. Our council tenants and leaseholders know best to say if we are delivering a good service.

Our scrutiny panel is to support residents to be involved in reviewing our performance as your landlord and recommend change in the housing service.

If you would like to find out more and join one of our housing resident groups email us on involvedinhousing@kingston.gov.uk

“Kingston council is accountable to council tenants for the delivery of a good landlord service. We want to listen and act on your feedback to improve the customer experience around repairs, the quality of communal areas and tenancy management. If you are interested in joining the scrutiny panel and making your voice heard please get involved."


Jane Ball, Head of Landlord Services

“For me, being part of a Scrutiny Team that endeavours to bring us all better Housing Services is not only time well spent but also an enjoyable experience and just so worthwhile."


Jackie Paddon, Scrutiny Member

Last Modified: 26/06/2024 15:17:18