To advise the council on planning applications and other matters referred to the Committee, and in particular whether such applications may affect the character or appearance of a Conservation Area. Representations from CAACs on planning applications should be submitted to our Planning and Development Team within 21 days of receiving notice that an application has been validated.
To advise the council on the preparation of Conservation Area Character Appraisals and Management Plans, or other policies that concern the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas in Kingston.
The Committee should consist of 3 to 20 local residents, including those living in conservation areas.
Nominations are welcome from local civic, amenity, historical, or archaeological societies; professional bodies (e.g., RIBA, RICS, RTPI, CABE); residents’ associations; and, where relevant, the local chamber of trade or commerce.
CAACs will advertise for new members when places become available and new members are chosen by the Committee on the basis of their potential contribution.
The council shall maintain a CAAC webpage on its website, including the Chair's name and general CAAC contact information.
The council shall keep a record of CAAC members' names and email addresses for reference.
Meeting procedures
CAAC meetings are held monthly, with the meeting schedule posted on the council website.
A quorum of two members is required for a committee to meet.
Matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote of members present. The Chair shall have the casting vote where agreement cannot be reached.
A CAAC is not classified as a committee or sub-committee under Section 102 of the Local Government Act 1972, and therefore meetings are not open to the general public or press. However, they are open for public observation by invitation from the Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary.
The CAAC can invite applicants and others involved in development proposals to meetings to explain their proposals.
Members of the CAAC shall not be remunerated for their participation.
Any CAAC member with a direct or indirect financial interest in a planning application or other matter must declare their interest and withdraw from the meeting while it is being discussed.
Comments on planning applications
A CAAC may submit comments to Case Officers within 21 days of a case's validation date. Comments are published monthly on the CAAC website ( and included in the planning officer's assessment and report.
CAAC representations on planning applications must be adequately detailed. Objections must clearly state why the proposal harms the conservation area's character or appearance and conflicts with the Council’s Development Plan or planning guidance.
As per Part 5D of the Council’s Constitution: The chair of a CAAC may request that a proposal typically determined under delegated authority be brought before the relevant Planning Committee. This is known as a 'call-in' request. The reasons for the call-in must be documented in writing and relate solely to material planning considerations. Additionally, the CAAC Chair must attend the committee meeting where the application will be decided to explain their concerns.