Discounts and exemptions

Discount for disabled people

If you or someone you live with is disabled, you might be able to get a discount on your Council Tax.

Disabled Band Reduction Scheme

You may be eligible for this scheme if you live in a property larger than you would need if you were not disabled.  This scheme supports people who are disabled and live in a larger property than they would need if they were not disabled.  Having a disability does not automatically entitle you to a reduction.

Eligibility for the Disabled Band Reduction Scheme

'Disabled person' means a person who is substantially and permanently disabled. To qualify, you need to show that you have either:  

  • a special or additional kitchen, bathroom or other room used mainly by the disabled person.
  • a room, other than a bathroom or kitchen that is essential to the well-being of the disabled person because of the nature or extent of their disability
  • extra space indoors for wheelchair use

Help with eligibility

The room or the wheelchair must be essential or of major importance to the disabled person's well-being.

Your home does not need a specially built room, but your home will not qualify for a reduction unless the room or the wheelchair is essential or of major importance to the disabled person.

Rearranging rooms, having a bedroom on the ground floor rather than the first floor, or having a stairlift or handrails is unlikely to make your home eligible for a reduction.

The property must be the main home of at least 1 disabled person.  This can be an adult or a child. They do not have to be the person responsible for paying Council Tax.

We may need to visit your property to assess your eligibility, and we may need to see a medical certificate.

Help to understand the Council Tax reduction

If your home is eligible, your bill will be reduced to the next Council Tax band down. For example, a band D property will drop to a band C rate. 

You will still receive a reduction if your property is in band A (the lowest rate). It will be the same in cash terms as the reductions for homes in Band B, C or D.

We are guided by government legislation and the law when deciding on a reduction rate.

How to apply 

Before you apply, make sure you have:

  • supporting evidence, a note from a doctor, or other qualified professional, confirming the disabled person meets the requirements, or photographs of the rooms

Apply now

What happens next 

We will assess your application. If we need more information, we will contact you. You will be issued a new Council Tax bill if you qualify for the reduction.

If you do not meet the criteria to qualify for a reduction, we will contact you in writing, either by post or email. 

If you want to appeal the decision please check our Council Tax Appeals page for more information. 

This application needs to be renewed each year, so we will send you a review form each year to complete and return. If you do not return the review form the reduction may be removed and you will need to make a new application.  

Allow us to talk or write to someone else on your behalf 

Your Council Tax account is private and confidential. We will only discuss your account with authorised people. 

If you would like us to talk or write to a friend or relative on your behalf, you will need to send us a signed letter of authority that includes:

  • the name of the person you would like us to contact
  • how long you would like this authority to last 

If someone has legal authority to make decisions on your behalf (lasting power of attorney), they will need to send us a certified copy or an online summary of the lasting power of attorney document. 

Last Modified: 26/02/2025 15:29:11