Council Performance
Performance Index for 2023/24 Quarter 1 (Apr-Jun 2023)
Narratives for 2023/24 Quarter 1 (Apr-Jun 2023)
- % of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting (Green)
48.6% of household waste was sent for recycling this quarter.
- The amount of waste sent for disposal per household in the borough (kg) (Green)
On average, each household in the borough produced 99 kg residual waste, which is 9kg better than our target.
- % of properties provided with a recycling service - houses and flats (Green)
100% of our properties in the borough are provided with a recycling service.
- Number of volunteering hours supported by the council’s grounds maintenance contract (Blue)
2,539 hours of volunteering were provided by the Council’s grounds maintenance contract.
- Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCP's) commissioned (cumulative) (Red)
135 Electric Vehicle Charging Points were commissioned (installed and ready to use) this year, against a target of 156. Project delivery will continue into 2023/24, and numbers are dependent upon funding being provided to the Council.
- Numbers of cyclists using key routes (Blue)
The result of 1,102 cyclists is based upon the number logged via sensor using the Portsmouth Road segregated cycle route.
- Number of residential cycle hangars (Blue)
The borough has 81 residential cycle hangars (comprising of 16 on-street hangars and 65 on RBK housing estates).
- Total area protected by school street / low traffic neighbourhoods / traffic reduction methods (Green)
8 school streets are in operation, with plans for an additional 4 by the end of next March.
- Council estate and operational carbon emissions (Blue)
The Council’s estate and operational emissions are estimated to be 5,822 tonnes. This is an annual measure.