Save energy and money at home

Reducing energy use and costs

There are lots of simple ways to reduce energy use and costs at home.

Get trusted and independent advice on how to save money on your bills at the same time as reducing your carbon footprint. Visit the Energy Saving Trust website for tips on reducing your energy use, installing energy saving home improvements and renewable energy systems, grants and financial support, and more.

Ofgem, the Office of Gas and Electricity markets has also produced a range of information help people reduce their energy costs, which is available on their website.

The videos below also have some great tips to save you some money at home.

Draught proofing and insulation

Get the best out of your boiler

Get the most out of your heating system

Find out how much money you could save each year by making some small changes at home. This information is from the Energy Saving Trust (January 2024).

  • £55 by switching appliances off at the wall instead of leaving them on standby
  • £95 by draught-proofing gaps
  • £25 by turning off lights when you leave a room
  • £29 by washing at 30 degrees and using the washing machine use by one run a week
  • £60 by avoiding using the tumble dryer
  • £70 by keeping showers to four minutes or less
  • £11 by swapping one bath a week to a four minute shower
  • £36 by only by only boiling the water you need and fitting a tap aerator
  • £14 reduce your dishwasher use by one run a week
  • £50 insulate your hot water cylinder.

If you are struggling financially, visit the council's support web pages.

Last Modified: 31/05/2024 16:58:35