Save energy and money at home

Available funding

Boiler Upgrade Scheme - Department for Energy Security & Net Zero

From 2022 to 2025, the Government is offering grants to encourage property owners to install low carbon heating systems such as heat pumps, through the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). These grants will help property owners overcome the upfront cost of low carbon heating technologies. The scheme is open to domestic and small non-domestic properties in England and Wales. Find out more on the Government Boiler Upgrade Scheme website.

Energy Company Obligation (ECO 4) - Government scheme

The Energy Company Obligation is a government scheme that requires energy companies to fund home improvements for eligible households. Find out more on the Ofgem website.
These grants are available to partly or fully cover the cost of energy efficiency measures, including; loft, cavity wall and solid wall insulation. ECO grants may also replace a broken boiler with a non-gas boiler. To find out if you are eligible, visit the the Government's website

Great British Insulation Scheme - Department for Energy Security & Net Zero

The Great British Insulation Scheme is administered by Ofgem. It is designed to deliver improvements to the least energy-efficient homes in Great Britain to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce energy bills. You can find out more about the scheme on the Ofgem website.

Home Upgrade Grant Phase 2 (HUG2) - Government scheme

HUG 2 is a Government-funded scheme that aims to improve the energy efficiency of homes across England. 100% funding is available for eligible householders that own their property. The Greater London Authority (GLA) has appointed Everwarm to deliver energy efficiency upgrades to homes through this scheme. You can find out more on the Everwarm website.

Warm Homes Better Health - Commissioned by Kingston Council

We have commissioned the energy-saving experts ‘ThinkingWorks’ to provide local residents with free home assessments to help keep homes warm and provide advice on keeping well and healthy. If you are a Kingston resident and have one or more of the following, you are eligible for this free service:

  • Aged 65 or over
  • Have a long-term condition such as diabetes 
  • Have a low income, such as being in receipt of Universal Credit

Find out more on the ThinkingWorks website.

Last Modified: 24/05/2024 16:00:22