Planned health and safety tree works
Find out about our planned health and safety tree works.
For medium and large-sized trees, it is normal for the tree felling and stump removal to be done in 2 stages. This is due to the differing equipment required.
Every year the council undertakes a cycle of routine health and safety inspections as part of the council's cyclical tree maintenance programme.
The trees are inspected using Visual Tree Assessment (VTA) techniques, a standard approach to tree risk assessment, involving the diagnosis of structural defects, the evaluation of their significance from visible signs and the application of arboricultural biomechanical knowledge.
A number of issues were raised regarding the health of a number of trees. As a result, the following essential arboricultural safety works have been instructed.
Works will take place between February 2025.
What we are working on
Location | Ward | Species | Details |
OS 98 Thornhill | Tolworth | Birch | Crown Lift 4m (missed off cycle) |
Outside 57 Kenley Road | Coombe Vale | Zelkova | Crown reduce 20% (structures) |
Opposite 1 Albany Road | New Malden Village | Pear | Crown reduce 30% and remove split branch |
Opposite 22 Horace Road | Kingston Town | Lime | Crown reduce 20% |
Outside Hilda Court Lovelace Road | Surbiton Hill | Plane | Clear Basal Growth |
Outside Marlborough Gardens Lovelace Road | Surbiton Hill | Plane | Clear Basal Growth |
Outside 24 Diana Gardens | Tolworth housing | Birch | Utilities: Clear Lamp Column |
Outside 87 Largewood Avenue | Tolworth | Pear | Clear Basal Growth |
Outside 202 Raeburn Avenue | Berrylands | Cherry | Remove for sight lines |
Outside 284 Raeburn Avenue | Berrylands | Apple | Fell and grind |
Outside 6 Kings Drive | Berrylands | Maple | Fell and grind |
Opposite 3 Queens Drive | Berrylands | Cherry | Fell and grind |
Outside 61 Queens Drive | Berrylands | Maple | Fell and grind basal decay |
On Pine Walk left of 21 Chiltern Drive | Berrylands | Rowan | Fell and grind |
Left of 3 The Roystons | Berrylands | Cherry | Fell and grind |
On Pine gardens, left of 1 Chiltern Drive | Berrylands | Cherry | Fell and grind |
Upcoming parks tree works
- Canbury Gardens 16th to 25th September 2024 (approximately 8 days)
- Kingfisher playground and park 26th September 2024
- Queens promenade 30th September to 2nd October 2024
- Fairfield Recreation Ground 3rd October to 15th October 2024 (approximately 10 days)
Be aware of footpath closures during this time.