Planned health and safety tree works

Find out about our planned health and safety tree works.

For medium and large-sized trees, it is normal for the tree felling and stump removal to be done in 2 stages. This is due to the differing equipment required.

Every year the council undertakes a cycle of routine health and safety inspections as part of the council's cyclical tree maintenance programme.

The trees are inspected using Visual Tree Assessment (VTA) techniques, a standard approach to tree risk assessment, involving the diagnosis of structural defects, the evaluation of their significance from visible signs and the application of arboricultural biomechanical knowledge.

A number of issues were raised regarding the health of a number of trees. As a result, the following essential arboricultural safety works have been instructed.

Works will take place between February 2025.

What we are working on

Location Ward Species Details
OS 98 Thornhill Tolworth Birch Crown Lift 4m (missed off cycle)
Outside 57 Kenley Road Coombe Vale Zelkova Crown reduce 20% (structures)
Opposite 1 Albany Road New Malden Village Pear Crown reduce 30% and remove split branch
Opposite 22 Horace Road Kingston Town Lime Crown reduce 20%
Outside Hilda Court Lovelace Road Surbiton Hill Plane Clear Basal Growth
Outside Marlborough Gardens Lovelace Road Surbiton Hill Plane Clear Basal Growth
Outside 24 Diana Gardens Tolworth housing Birch Utilities: Clear Lamp Column
Outside 87 Largewood Avenue Tolworth Pear Clear Basal Growth
Outside 202 Raeburn Avenue Berrylands Cherry Remove for sight lines
Outside 284 Raeburn Avenue Berrylands Apple Fell and grind
Outside 6 Kings Drive Berrylands Maple Fell and grind
Opposite 3 Queens Drive Berrylands Cherry Fell and grind
Outside 61 Queens Drive Berrylands Maple Fell and grind basal decay
On Pine Walk left of 21 Chiltern Drive Berrylands Rowan Fell and grind
Left of 3 The Roystons Berrylands Cherry Fell and grind
On Pine gardens, left of 1 Chiltern Drive Berrylands Cherry Fell and grind

Upcoming parks tree works

  • Canbury Gardens 16th to 25th September 2024 (approximately 8 days) 
  • Kingfisher playground and park 26th September 2024
  • Queens promenade 30th September to 2nd October 2024
  • Fairfield Recreation Ground 3rd October to 15th October 2024 (approximately 10 days)

Be aware of footpath closures during this time.

Last Modified: 05/03/2025 10:24:35