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  • Tolworth Court Farm to become one of London’s leading rewilding nature reserves

    Tolworth Court Farm is set to become one of London's leading nature reserves, thanks to over half a million pounds worth of funding.... As the largest dedicated funder of the UK’s heritage, The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s vision is for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future as set out in our strategic plan, Heritage 2033.
  • Absent Voting

    Once a postal vote has been set up you will not be able to vote in person at a polling station unless you cancel your postal vote (in writing) by 5pm 11 working days before an election or referendum.... You can apply for one election, a set period of time or up to a maximum of 3 years.
  • Kingston’s proposed budget protects support for most vulnerable and sets path to greener, fairer, safer borough

    It sets out how the council will continue to provide essential support for the most vulnerable residents, while meeting the financial pressures from the national economic crisis, rising demand and ongoing insufficient government funding.... The proposals set out the council’s plans to continue to create a greener, fairer, safer borough, working with communities, voluntary groups and partners to find more effective ways to offer services.
  • Local Plan

    Our new Local Plan will set the vision and policies for the future and guide what development goes where, from homes and workplaces to schools, medical centres, parks and much more, while protecting and enhancing our heritage and natural environment.... This sets out the timetable for preparing a new Local Plan for Kingston.
  • Council tax budget 2024-25

    All local authorities are required to set an annual budget which balances the money spent on services with income generated and funding received.... This budget sets out how the council will deliver on these commitments while meeting the pressures of rising costs caused by the national economic crisis, increasing levels and complexity of need and significant long-term underfunding from central government.
  • Gambling & Gaming

    The same set of premises may not be the subject of a TUN for more than 21 days in any 12 month period.... The processes set out in the Act for applying for an occasional use notice are different to those for temporary use notices.
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

    check that the care setting is keeping to any conditions of the DoLS authorisation... The Supreme Court held that a deprivation of liberty can occur in domestic settings where the State is responsible for imposing such arrangements.
  • Council agrees budget to protect most vulnerable and deliver a greener, fairer, safer borough

    Approved by Budget Council on 2 March, the budget sets out how the council will deliver on these commitments while meeting the financial pressures from the national economic crisis, rising demand and ongoing insufficient government funding.... Our budget sets out investment in delivering a greener, fairer, safer borough.
  • About Business Rates

    You can estimate your business rates by multiplying the rateable value by the correct ‘multiplier' (an amount set by the central government).... The VOA is responsible for setting rateable values.... The government sets the multiplier, which is the rate in the pound.
  • Publication scheme

    It sets out who makes decisions and how they are made, and the rights of citizens to obtain information and to influence decisions.... As defined by the Protection of Freedom Act (2012) a dataset is any set of information that is:... A set (more than one fact or figure)