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  • Lower Ham Road becomes a permanent Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    The Kingston Neighbourhood Committee (2 November) has approved the recommendation to make the current Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) trial on Lower Ham Road in Kingston permanent, keeping the fixed closure and planters in place.
  • Put up scaffolding

    a copy of the licence must be displayed / affixed to the scaffold and a courtesy board must be fixed to the scaffold with the contact name and emergency phone number
  • Being a Leaseholder

    As a leaseholder you have bought the right to live in your property for a fixed number of years.
  • Kingston Council to tackle fly tipping

    Fly tipping in all of its guises is illegal and carries a variety of penalties; a £400 fixed penalty notice, an unlimited fine, or even a custodial sentence if convicted in a magistrates’ court.
  • Legislation to improve tenants’ rights and raise standards in the private rented property sector approved by Kingston Council

    Any money received as a result of a fixed penalty notice will be used within Regulatory Services to promote and future enforcement work in the sector and further protect and uphold tenants' rights.
  • Remembrance Sunday in Surbiton

    Fixed road closures will be kept in place throughout the entire event.
  • View a planning application

    The appeal dates have been fixed from the 12.10.2021 – 14.10.2021 and 19.10.2021 – 21.10.2021 from 10:00 AM to 17:00PM and may continue on week commencing the 25.10.2021.
  • Cycling during the Covid crisis

    If you are looking to buy a bike or looking for somewhere to get your bike fixed, please see this page for a list of local bike shops -  Buy, Hire or Loan a Bike
  • Renting in the private sector

    If the landlord says problems will be fixed when you move in, ask them to confirm in writing when this will be done.
  • Cost of Living Support

    The rise in mortgage interest rates has impacted many people with variable and tracker mortgages, and those who have come to the end of their fixed rate deals. ... If you are coming off a fixed deal or are on a variable/tracker rate and are facing a significant rate rise - there are currently two key pieces of advice: