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  • Saturday Snappity Halloween

    This storytelling and craft session for under 5's will have a spooky twist with a Halloween story and craft that you can take home.
  • Street naming and numbering

    Renumbering an existing building(s)... The council has powers under the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939-Part II, to renumber any building(s), but we normally only consider a request to renumber an existing building(s) when the address is likely to cause problems for the occupiers, emergency services, Royal Mail or other delivery companies.... In the event of a third party submitting a request to change the number of an existing building(s), we would seek approval from 80% of freeholders impacted.
  • Upcoming Elections & Elections Act

    If objection(s) are made: Not before objection(s) are disposed of but not later than 18 days (4pm) Friday 7 June (5pm)... If objection(s) are made: not before objection(s) are disposed of but not later than Monday 10 June (4pm)
  • List of conservation areas

    Following the opening of Kingston Railway Station in 1863, the value of land increased rapidly and during the 1860’s and 1870’s, houses were built on Fairfield North, Knights Park and Mill Street with Fairfield Recreation Ground opening in 1889.... It was not until the 1890’s that Springfield Road Bridge was built, connecting the southern and northern halves of Grove.
  • Sports grounds safety

    For any sports ground situated in Kingston we will determine whether any, and if so, which stand(s) is a regulated stand(s).
  • Leaseholders Handbook

    It enables you to extend your lease by 90 years (on top of the length of the term currently remaining on your lease).... This is s formal legal notice that sets out your desire to renew the lease.
  • Public Spaces Protection Orders

    b. if the officer is not a constable, or police community support officer, s/he must produce evidence of his/her authority... not to consume the psychoactive substance or anything which s/he reasonably believes to be such a substance; and... b. if the officer is not a constable, or police community support officer, s/he must produce evidence of his/her authority
  • Donations

    If you would like to donate an item(s) to any of Kingston’s collections please email either Kingston Museum or Kingston History Centre, depending on the type of item you would like to donate.
  • Your property history

    Historic building control information as far back as the 1880's
  • Donations

    If you would like to donate an item(s) to any of Kingston’s collections please email either Kingston Museum or Kingston History Centre, depending on the type of item you would like to donate.