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  • Kingston appoints Sarah Ireland as new Chief Executive

    I look forward to continuing to work with her to tackle the challenging economic and environmental conditions we are working in, and delivering on our new council plan to make Kingston greener, fairer and safer for all our communities.”... Kingston is a wonderfully diverse, inclusive and vibrant borough and I am passionate about delivering for all our communities.... I want to make sure the services we provide, often alongside partners in the community, make a positive difference to the lives of all Kingston’s residents.
  • Nominate your local heroes for the Mayor of Kingston’s Community Awards

    Since becoming Mayor, I have been struck by the number of inspiring people in Kingston who give up their time to support those around them - particularly throughout the challenges of the last 12 months.... I call on you, the residents of Kingston, to nominate your peers who deserve recognition for their achievement, strength or bravery.
  • Kingston Mayor joins national tree planting tribute to Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

    I am honoured to have planted a tree in tribute to Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 year reign.... I am encouraging as many people as possible to take part in the fantastic work of the Queen’s Green Canopy and to plant a tree for the Jubilee”
  • Annual Council approves appointments of new portfolio holders

    I want to sincerely thank Fiona Boult and Hilary Gander for their dedication and hard work for the people of Kingston across the portfolios they were responsible for.... I am looking forward to working with councillors Foulder-Hughes, Thompson and Archer as they take on their new portfolios.”
  • The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

    I am honoured to have planted a tree in tribute to Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 year reign.... I encourage as many people as possible to take part in the fantastic work of the Queen’s Green Canopy and to plant a tree for the Jubilee”.’s-platinum-jubilee/platinum-jubilee-funding-opportunities
  • Kingston Mobile Mop Up project

    I want to hand in my mobile phone.... I am part of a business.... Can I get involved?
  • Creative Flow with the Curator

    And then when I started digging I discovered that we hold a multitude of images of the river and Kingston’s bridges - in the museum’s permanent collection, painted, photographed, sketched and etched from every vista and approach.... I knew about the Millais connection, but then I quickly came across Turner’s painting of Harvest Dinner, Kingston Bank.... Idylls of Self I - Louise Anderson - 2016
  • Kingston Council reaches its target to provide Syrian refugees with sanctuary

    I wanted to create a positive image of Syrians.... I know some of you will have seen a not-so-positive image.... I believe as a human, I need to leave a fingerprint, a trace, so you can say this person existed.
  • Kingston Council reaches its target to provide Syrian refugees with sanctuary

    I wanted to create a positive image of Syrians.... I know some of you will have seen a not-so-positive image.... I believe as a human, I need to leave a fingerprint, a trace, so you can say this person existed.
  • 3D Modelling and VU.CITY

    VU.CITY London is an accurate digital 3D model of London that is managed and maintained independently of the council.... a fully interactive 3D city model of the whole of London(roofscape accuracy to 15cm);... Applicants and Developers may submit a 3D model to the Council both within and outside of VU.CITY (see below).