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  • Community figures across Kingston come together to urge people to get the vaccine

    I got the vaccine as I believe it’s a really important step in protecting myself, others, and getting back to normal life.”... By taking the vaccine myself, I want to lead by example as a Councillor and Communities Champion to encourage everybody to take it.”... You can watch the video at the top of the page.
  • Community figures across Kingston come together to urge people to get the vaccine

    I got the vaccine as I believe it’s a really important step in protecting myself, others, and getting back to normal life.”... By taking the vaccine myself, I want to lead by example as a Councillor and Communities Champion to encourage everybody to take it.”... You can watch the video at the top of the page.
  • Winning artists announced for new sculpture trail in Kingston town centre

    It’s great to see Kingston still pursuing Public Art for its streets.... I hope that our Kingston Sculpture Trail will add to the experience of both residents and visitors and enhance their enjoyment of the riverside and town centre.... I hope everyone enjoys these new artworks as much as we have enjoyed selecting them.”
  • Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan

    It also highlights environment and transport improvements, to protect the town centre from inappropriate development and to preserve its character, historic environment and riverside.... remains a thriving metropolitan centre serving the needs of its catchment
  • Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments

    From 1 April 2013, every Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) in England has a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up-to-date a statement of the needs for pharmaceutical services for the population in its area, referred to as a ‘pharmaceutical needs assessment’ (PNA).... The PNA will be used by NHS England in its determination as to whether to approve applications to join the pharmaceutical list under The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013.
  • Every child in Kingston offered a primary school place - and majority get top preferences

    Every child applying to start primary school in Kingston this September has been offered a place, with 96% receiving one of their top three preferred schools.... Kingston’s schools are deservedly popular because they offer excellent, inclusive education for local children, and I am very pleased that all applicants have been offered a place.”
  • Every child in Kingston offered a primary school place - and majority get top preferences

    Every child applying to start primary school in Kingston this September has been offered a place, with 96% receiving one of their top three preferred schools.... Kingston’s schools are deservedly popular because they offer excellent, inclusive education for local children, and I am very pleased that all applicants have been offered a place.”
  • Lights, camera, conservation action!

    The new network, funded by the Internet of Things, is being delivered by Kingston Council and the Institute of Zoology and will see wildlife cameras placed at nature reserves and other sites of interest across the borough, becoming the largest camera project of its kind in Kingston.... As part of its recently announced Biodiversity Action Plan the council has committed to increase the ecological information available about the borough, and to continue the conservation efforts across Kingston to help mitigate the climate and ecological crises currently faced.... The information gathered by the camera network will help the council and its partners better understand what can be done to help Kingston’s wildlife thrive.”
  • Lights, camera, conservation action!

    The new network, funded by the Internet of Things, is being delivered by Kingston Council and the Institute of Zoology and will see wildlife cameras placed at nature reserves and other sites of interest across the borough, becoming the largest camera project of its kind in Kingston.... As part of its recently announced Biodiversity Action Plan the council has committed to increase the ecological information available about the borough, and to continue the conservation efforts across Kingston to help mitigate the climate and ecological crises currently faced.... The information gathered by the camera network will help the council and its partners better understand what can be done to help Kingston’s wildlife thrive.”
  • Ministry of Food Expert Comes to Town

    I started with the microfilm editions of the Surrey Comet.... In 2021, it celebrated its 90th birthday, meaning it opened in 1931 (so just 12 years before the show).... The school has changed its name twice since it was called Beverley Central School.