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  • Annual Council approves appointments of new portfolio holders

    I want to sincerely thank Fiona Boult and Hilary Gander for their dedication and hard work for the people of Kingston across the portfolios they were responsible for.... I am looking forward to working with councillors Foulder-Hughes, Thompson and Archer as they take on their new portfolios.”
  • The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

    I am honoured to have planted a tree in tribute to Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 year reign.... I encourage as many people as possible to take part in the fantastic work of the Queen’s Green Canopy and to plant a tree for the Jubilee”.’s-platinum-jubilee/platinum-jubilee-funding-opportunities
  • Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

    Kingston Council declared a Climate Emergency on 25 June 2019 and is committed to addressing issues that affect the environment and health of its communities, with the resources it has available.... Can I still drive inside a low traffic neighbourhood?... If I have a question who can I speak to?
  • Privacy Notice and Data Protection

    When you ask for my help and assistance I will need to collect some information from you.... Analytics and search engine providers that I use can collect your data when interacting online.... work out if a grant was successful in achieving its aims.
  • Council climate action and emissions summary 2022-23

    The council has strengthened its working relationships with groups across the borough throughout the last year.... Connecting individuals, communities and businesses with information to help them tackle climate change is integral to helping the borough reach its climate targets - a bespoke section on the council’s website, providing a variety of information to help everyone take steps to reduce their climate impact has been created.
  • Local projects funded to help tackle climate change

    Kingston Council has funded nine local projects as part of its Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Green Grant programme.... Each project funded tackles a cause of climate change or seeks to help the local area prepare for its impacts, in line with key objectives from the council’s Climate Action Plan, which was launched in March 2022.
  • Housing Recharge Policy

    If the tenant, leaseholder or licensee requests that the Council or its contractor carry out the repair works in full, or if the contractor deems this to be necessary, then the cost of the repair and will be recharged to the tenant, leaseholder or licensee.... Failure to complete the agreement does not relinquish the tenant, leaseholder or licensee of liability for the repair or its costs, including the administration fee.
  • List of conservation areas

    Its red brick boundary walls can still be seen on the west side of Traps Lane.... Although its form appears to originate from the mid-nineteenth century pleasure gardens to Coombe House, it is likely to have evolved from an earlier natural spring.
  • List of conservation areas

    Its historic interest lies in the importance of the riverbank in relation to the historic landscape of Hampton Court Palace, including views in and out of its parkland and other strategic views from the riverside path.
  • List of conservation areas

    Its latter historic pattern of development is associated with ancient riverside estates and later Victorian benefactors such as the 18th century Bank Grove Estate and the more recent Albany Estate, together with its original boundary garden walls and landscaping.