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  • Running a food business

    How often your business is routinely inspected will depend on the type of business and its previous record.
  • Local Areas of Special Character (LASC)

    the importance of its protection for future generations
  • Statement on Tribunal decision in the case of Moss v The Royal Borough of Kingston & The Information Commissioner

    Since this historic oversight, the Council has introduced significant changes to its policies and procedures.
  • Voter Authority Certificate

    Can I still use it to vote?... I vote by post - do I still need photographic ID?... What do I do?
  • Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector Grants

    I confirm that I am the main contact in relation to the request for grant funding and that I am authorised to sign this application on behalf of the applicant organisation or community group.... I undertake to use the award only for that purpose and to repay to the council any grant money that I may use for any other purpose on demand.... I confirm that I will provide an annual report highlighting how this funding was used
  • Kingston town centre invests in happy spaces

    I am really excited that this project will transform these two spaces in the town centre into lovely, accessible places where you can sit down, relax and enjoy being outdoors.... If Covid has taught us anything, it is how precious our green and open spaces are to the whole community so I hope we hear from as many voices as possible.... Each space has its own set of existing challenges and it’s our mission to turn these into opportunities.
  • Remarkable impact of local businesses celebrated at Kingston Borough Business Awards 2024

    Among the winners,  local youth work charity Oxygen was recognised for its vital work and positive engagement with young people across the borough, in the Removing Barriers award sponsored by the council.... I would also like to thank Kingston Chamber of Commerce for organising the event."... I am so proud of our team and very grateful for the support and recognition from our partners.
  • Outdoor Events Policy

    h) To provide event organisers with guidelines to ensure full compliance with appropriate legislation (Heath and Safety, Licensing) i) To support well managed, safe and successful public events... a) Timing of event and its duration.... i) Are the emergency services and statutory bodies satisfied concerning the suitability, public safety and emergency planning requirements for the event?
  • Transfer to Secondary School September 2021

    I have been offered a school place that I did not apply for.... What can I do?... What can I do?
  • Statement on Thames Water Teddington Direct River Abstraction project

    I understand the importance of securing the future of London’s water supply and taking action to address any water shortages we may face going forward.... I also have concerns around the potential ecological impact of the scheme.... This special landscape must be safeguarded for current and future generations and I strongly encourage residents to have their say in Thames Water’s consultation.”