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  • How to book your visit

    Kingston Museum is a 5 minute walk from Kingston Station and a 25 minute walk from Surbiton Station
  • Annual Housing report

    2.... 5.... We have carried out 7 evictions for rent arrears, 2 for anti-social behaviour and 1 for property abandonment.
  • Privacy Notice and Data Protection

    Article 9(2)(h) ‘necessary for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services...”... After this first phase, we will move into Phase 2 to gradually bring other care organisations on board, so your health and care record will be available wherever you go in London.
  • Beyond Ophelia: The True Legacy of Elizabeth Eleanor Rossetti Fri, 12 Apr 2024, 18:00

    John Everett Millais painted the background for his famous painting Ophelia (1851-2, Tate Gallery) on the banks of the Hogsmill River in Ewell.
  • Temporary Event Notice

    2 late TENs per year - in all other circumstances

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    Please supply me with a copy/copies of the items listed overleaf which are either (i) required by me for the purposes of research for a non-commercial purpose or private study or (ii) are judged by me not to be an infringement of copyright. 2.... I undertake not to circulate, reproduce or publish (including on-line publishing) this material without permission of the Archivist or Local History Officer . 5.... Every effort will be made to obtain the best copy possible having respect for the safety of the document involved. 2.
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    I undertake not to circulate, reproduce or publish (including on-line publishing) this material without permission of the Archivist or Local History Officer. 5.... I accept full responsibility for any injury to persons or damage to property caused whilst using the facilities 2.... Every effort will be made to obtain the best copy possible having respect for the safety of the document involved. 2.
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    The Guildhall (2) was opened in 1935 by Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, and granddaughter of Queen Victoria.... Further along the High Street turn right onto Queen’s Promenade (5), made in Queen Victoria’s reign and named after her.... Note on the left, the fine 1902 stone façade of 3-5 Thames Street, which was formerly Nuthall’s Restaurant and Banqueting Rooms (18).