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  • Kingston's Director of Public Health thanks residents for their efforts to drive down COVID-19 infections

    All of you across our borough have played your part in helping reverse that trend by following the guidance - and I want to say a huge thank you for all you have done.... In recent days there have been some encouraging developments - the real prospect of a vaccine on the horizon, although still in its early stages, and the news that the roll out of rapid testing for some priority groups will start soon.... I know you have all made huge sacrifices so far,  and by continuing to play your part you are giving us all the very best chance of returning to a more normal life as soon as we can.
  • Leaseholders Handbook

    The percentage share of the block costs is proportional to the size of the property worked out on the basis that if all the flats in the building were sold the Council will recover 100 per cent of its costs.... Do I contribute to any block on the estate other than my own... I fitted my own windows and now the Council are telling me they are replacing windows in my block and want to charge me for it”.
  • Apply to make home improvements

    If you go ahead with the works without permission you may have to reinstate your property to its original condition or we may charge you if we have to do it ourselves.... What if I move?... If you make improvements to your home and then end your tenancy or move, you may be entitled to compensation or you may be expected to reinstate your property to its original condition.
  • Kingston launches its Biodiversity Action Plan during Sustainable September

    Kingston is delighted to release its Biodiversity Action Plan for this year’s Sustainable September with its theme of ‘natural environment’.... It's up to us to help our local natural environment thrive and I hope you will support local action on tackling the climate and biodiversity crises.
  • Petitions

    I feel my petition has not been dealt with properly?
  • Walking Tour of Kingston’s Inns, Past and Present

    I hear you cry.
  • Modern Slavery

    This is a serious crime which directly violates the human rights of its victims.... How do I report modern slavery?... Where can I find multi-lingual support?
  • Comment on or view a planning application

    Can I table information and photographs when I speak at the meeting?... How long can I speak for?... Every application is judged on its own merit.
  • Kingston secures £2.8m to tackle homelessness

    With the escalating cost of living crisis, freezing temperatures and increasing demands for support, protecting those most in need is our top priority.... Who do I contact if I see someone sleeping rough?
  • Kingston secures £2.8m to tackle homelessness

    With the escalating cost of living crisis, freezing temperatures and increasing demands for support, protecting those most in need is our top priority.... Who do I contact if I see someone sleeping rough?