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Results 491 – 500 of about 5181.

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  • Book a bulky waste collection

    £43 for 1 to 4 items... £65 for 5 to 8 items... You can choose an available slot in the next 8 weeks.
  • Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund

    As a condition of receiving future funding, local authorities will need to evidence the work they are doing to prepare their markets and publish the outcome of the Fair Cost of Care exercise (Annex B) and submit to DHSC by  1st February 2023.
  • Council tax budget 2024-25

    On 2 March 2023, Budget Council approved a budget of £161.3m that protects essential support for vulnerable adults and children, delivers on climate action and provides value for money services.
  • Register a death

    Deaths must be registered within 5 days from the date of death.
  • Healthy Streets

    On 3 November 2022 Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee agreed to engage with residents and stakeholders about potential improvements that could be made in the area.
  • Put up scaffolding

    S.169 Highways Act 1980)
  • Supplementary Planning Documents

    The guidance took effect from Monday 3 June 2013 and applies to all new planning applications for qualifying development submitted on, or after, that date.... Any such application must be made no later than 3 months after the date of adoption, namely by 30 August 2013.
  • Build a temporary vehicle crossing

    Highways Act 1980 s184 (3) & (9)... all temp crossovers must be constructed to the following specification.  100mm of type one, compacted in two layers of 50mm type one, 150mm of concrete 30N (dry lean concrete must be compacted with a roller or whacking plate, a minimum of 4 passes must be made).
  • Insurance

    We are required under section 6 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 to participate in the National Fraud Initiative data matching exercise.  ... This may take up to 3 months from the time that you provide us with all of the necessary information to begin to investigate.
  • Community Grants Programme

    On the 5 March 2024, the following VCSE grants were awarded: