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  • Council tax budget 2024-25

    On 2 March 2023, Budget Council approved a budget of £161.3m that protects essential support for vulnerable adults and children, delivers on climate action and provides value for money services.
  • Register a death

    Deaths must be registered within 5 days from the date of death.
  • Healthy Streets

    On 3 November 2022 Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee agreed to engage with residents and stakeholders about potential improvements that could be made in the area.
  • Put up scaffolding

    S.169 Highways Act 1980)
  • Supplementary Planning Documents

    The guidance took effect from Monday 3 June 2013 and applies to all new planning applications for qualifying development submitted on, or after, that date.... Any such application must be made no later than 3 months after the date of adoption, namely by 30 August 2013.
  • Celebrating local volunteers at the Kingston Communities Awards

    On 6 June, Kingston Council came together with voluntary and community organisations from across the borough for the Kingston Celebrating Communities Awards 2024.... I volunteer for Kingston young carers, I am a young carer, for me it means giving back what I got to other young carers and making a difference to their lives.... I can’t remember seeing so many faces with genuine smiles for a very long time.
  • Insurance

    We are required under section 6 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 to participate in the National Fraud Initiative data matching exercise.  ... This may take up to 3 months from the time that you provide us with all of the necessary information to begin to investigate.
  • Community Grants Programme

    On the 5 March 2024, the following VCSE grants were awarded:
  • Do not feed the pigeons

    Pigeons can carry pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli, and avian influenza, which can be harmful to people.
  • Police Drop-In Surgery for Alexandra, Green Lane & St James, Motspur Park & Old Malden East, and Old Malden

    7-8PM, Wed 17 April 2024, Malden Manor Primary School... Ward Panel meeting 7-8PM, Tue 23 April 2024, Grand Avenue Primary school