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  • Celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

    Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service.’s-platinum-jubilee
  • Tour of Mayors Parlour and History Centre

    The Grade II listed Guildhall and Magistrates courts, built in 1935 and designed by Maurice Webb, part of which are now the home of Kingston History Centre.
  • Celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

    Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service.
  • Voter Authority Certificate

    Can I still use it to vote?... I vote by post - do I still need photographic ID?... What do I do?
  • Help with care home costs

    Top-up payments for care homes... This is called a top-up payment.... Top-up payments are only for extra accommodation costs, not for the cost of any extra care or support you get.
  • Homes for Ukraine: Future accommodation options

    Hosts in Kingston will also be able to opt in to a ‘Top Up’ Thank you payments.... Offering ‘top up’ payments for hosts... How much is the additional ‘Top Up’ payment
  • Apply to make home improvements

    If you go ahead with the works without permission you may have to reinstate your property to its original condition or we may charge you if we have to do it ourselves.... What if I move?... If you make improvements to your home and then end your tenancy or move, you may be entitled to compensation or you may be expected to reinstate your property to its original condition.
  • Kingston launches its Biodiversity Action Plan during Sustainable September

    Kingston is delighted to release its Biodiversity Action Plan for this year’s Sustainable September with its theme of ‘natural environment’.... It's up to us to help our local natural environment thrive and I hope you will support local action on tackling the climate and biodiversity crises.
  • Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector Grants

    I confirm that I am the main contact in relation to the request for grant funding and that I am authorised to sign this application on behalf of the applicant organisation or community group.... I undertake to use the award only for that purpose and to repay to the council any grant money that I may use for any other purpose on demand.... I confirm that I will provide an annual report highlighting how this funding was used
  • Statement on Thames Water Teddington Direct River Abstraction project

    I understand the importance of securing the future of London’s water supply and taking action to address any water shortages we may face going forward.... I also have concerns around the potential ecological impact of the scheme.... This special landscape must be safeguarded for current and future generations and I strongly encourage residents to have their say in Thames Water’s consultation.”