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  • Remarkable impact of local businesses celebrated at Kingston Borough Business Awards 2024

    I would also like to thank Kingston Chamber of Commerce for organising the event."... I am so proud of our team and very grateful for the support and recognition from our partners.
  • Investment in the borough’s public spaces continues, with Eagle Brewery Wharf and Memorial Gardens plans taking next step forward

    It is great to be able to provide relaxing and accessible open spaces that can attract people into Kingston, and I look forward to hearing local feedback, and working with the team to ensure that these spaces deliver for all.”... I’m looking forward to working with the community to really make Eagle Brewery Wharf a special place and I encourage everyone to get involved.”
  • The Digital Switchover

    What do I need to do?... Where can I find out more about the switchover?
  • Construction begins on Kingston’s largest social housing programme in a generation

    I can not tell you how important this is to me and the borough, as we deliver on the promise for residents - to deliver safer, warmer, greener homes for people. ... I think we can honestly say we played a big part in shaping how the estate will look.
  • Mini Marathon Team Kingston success

    A brilliant run by Poppy Mitchell (15th) to conclude a super triathlon season – she’s a 1st year in this category so will return hopefully next year to contest the top borough places.... The coveted honour of being the top-placed Kingston team goes to these boys with an excellent podium finish.
  • Privacy Notice and Data Protection

    Where it is necessary for the reasons of substantial public interest Article 9(2)(g)... Where it is in the interest of public health Article 9(2)(i)
  • The Coronation Ball in aid of the Mayor's Charitable Trust

    Caramelised Apple Tart with a Baked Meringue Topping and Vanilla Pod Ice Cream
  • Kingston

    Topping, Alfred
  • Learn more about your neighbourhood

    It is the top shopping centre in the country outside of the West End with 3.5million square foot of retail space.
  • Things to do and travel

    Visit London has a list of the top 10 attractions in London: