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  • Celebrating #WorldSocialWorkDay

    Last year I worked with Clare, a 40 year old woman who was born with a condition that means he needs to use a wheelchair, and needs support to get out of bed, or into the bath, and sometimes needs help to do other day-to-day activities.... Instead, I offered Sarah the chance to use Direct Payments, which meant she could choose what type of support she needed and when.... I regularly work with others to make sure this is the right solution for Naomi, and can help to adapt her care to meet her needs now and in the future.
  • Business Rate Reductions

    If you qualify you can also apply for discretionary relief on top of the 80 per cent discount.
  • Kingston's Wilder Side

    The talk will also address some of the impacts that climate change might have on our wilder residents and give some top tips on how we can all give nature a helping hand.
  • Kingston's Wilder Side

    The talk will also address some of the impacts that climate change might have on our wilder residents and give some top tips on how we can all give nature a helping hand.
  • Boundaries, party walls and garden walls

    building a structure astride (on top of) or directly next to a boundary
  • Kingston's Wilder Side

    The talk will also address some of the impacts that climate change might have on our wilder residents and give some top tips on how we can all give nature a helping hand.
  • Kingston's Wilder Side

    The talk will also address some of the impacts that climate change might have on our wilder residents and give some top tips on how we can all give nature a helping hand.
  • Kingston town centre invests in happy spaces

    I am really excited that this project will transform these two spaces in the town centre into lovely, accessible places where you can sit down, relax and enjoy being outdoors.... If Covid has taught us anything, it is how precious our green and open spaces are to the whole community so I hope we hear from as many voices as possible.
  • Kingston’s new Mayor to champion volunteering and the natural environment

    I want to celebrate the work they do and encourage more to take part or start their own groups.... I want my Mayoral year to not just be about fundraising and attending events, but also to actively celebrate together with our wonderful residents and volunteers.
  • Kingston Residents' Independent Scrutiny Panel (KRiSP)

    How much time do I need to commit?... What skills do I need?