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  • Over 90% of Kingston pupils offered place at one of their top three secondary school choices

    National Offer Day for Kingston's pupils - 91% offered one of their top three choices.... But I know that this will be an anxious time for those children and their families who are yet to receive an offer.... In the meantime, I am very grateful to schools for enabling additional places to be offered.”
  • Kingston Sustainable Events Guidance

    I will focus on reducing emissions from running my event focusing on the main carbon intensive areas - transport, energy use and waste... I will read the guidance provided by RBK (LINK) to better understand and implement available solutions... I will clearly communicate my efforts in sustainability to staff, visitors, contractors etc.
  • Voter Authority Certificate

    Can I still use it to vote?... I vote by post - do I still need photographic ID?... What do I do?
  • Every child in Kingston offered a primary school place - and majority get top preferences

    Every child applying to start primary school in Kingston this September has been offered a place, with 96% receiving one of their top three preferred schools.... Kingston’s schools are deservedly popular because they offer excellent, inclusive education for local children, and I am very pleased that all applicants have been offered a place.”
  • Every child in Kingston offered a primary school place - and majority get top preferences

    Every child applying to start primary school in Kingston this September has been offered a place, with 96% receiving one of their top three preferred schools.... Kingston’s schools are deservedly popular because they offer excellent, inclusive education for local children, and I am very pleased that all applicants have been offered a place.”
  • Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector Grants

    I confirm that I am the main contact in relation to the request for grant funding and that I am authorised to sign this application on behalf of the applicant organisation or community group.... I undertake to use the award only for that purpose and to repay to the council any grant money that I may use for any other purpose on demand.... I confirm that I will provide an annual report highlighting how this funding was used