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Results 51 – 60 of about 97.

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  • All results
  • Over 90% of Kingston pupils offered place at one of their top three secondary school choices

    National Offer Day for Kingston's pupils - 91% offered one of their top three choices.
  • News

    National Offer Day for Kingston's pupils - 91% offered one of their top three choices.
  • Residents asked to comment on the latest parts of borough’s cycle network

    Tackling climate change and ensuring a greener future for the whole borough is a top priority for the Council.
  • Kingston students excel in A-Level and GCSE results

    Similarly, 48% achieved the top A*-A grades, well above the national average of 36%.
  • Resources for schools

    Top ten tips on welcoming new arrivals
  • Tower blocks and fire safety

    Electrical fire is the top cause of accidental fire in UK homes, reduce the risk:... Don’t put anything on top of heaters.
  • Planning application submitted for a new Cambridge Road Estate

    For the Council and local residents, providing high-quality homes and a bright, safe environment has been a top priority.
  • Kingston secures £2.8m to tackle homelessness

    With the escalating cost of living crisis, freezing temperatures and increasing demands for support, protecting those most in need is our top priority.
  • Secondary School offers

    In addition 85% have been offered one of their top three preferences (90% last year) and 92% have received one of their preferences per se (94% last year).
  • New Malden

    Delivering high quality education and support opportunities for children and young people across the borough is one of our top priorities, and providing the best facilities for that to take place is very important.