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  • Esther Hammerton

    Esther’s father initially took over as sexton after Mary Gardiner, the previous Sexton died.... Esther was also known for single-handedly preventing two robbers stealing from the church by throwing one of them over a pew, which gained her a degree of fame.... She died in 1746 at the age of only 35, possibly from long-term injuries sustained during the collapse of the chapel.
  • Kingston Museum accreditation policies

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  • Reproduction and licensing forms

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  • Bid for a property

    Forgotten password or household ID... If you’re not sure what your household ID is, you can request a reminder for your ID.... Getting an offer
  • Projected stories flyers

    Download: Kingston Cinema Volunteers: File type: PDF: File size: 806kB... PDF... PDF
  • Pub trail - PDF map

    Download the PDF version of the pub trail map to start exploring.... Download: Kingston pub trail - PDF map: File type: PDF: File size: 12.07MB... PDF
  • Pub trail - PDF map

    Download the PDF version of the pub trail map to start exploring.... Download: Kingston pub trail - PDF map: File type: PDF: File size: 12.07MB... PDF
  • Report a change

    What to do if someone dies... Let us know if someone has died... Use the Tell Us Once service to tell us that someone has died
  • Royal jubilee

    Download: Royal Jubilee: File type: PDF: File size: 3.53MB... PDF
  • Cinema in Kingston poster

    Download: Cinema in Kingston poster: File type: PDF: File size: 663kB... PDF