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  • Celebrating #WorldSocialWorkDay

    Instead, I offered Sarah the chance to use Direct Payments, which meant she could choose what type of support she needed and when.... As life starts to return to normal, Sandra is looking forward to being able to enjoy time with friends and neighbours again, and I’m really happy to know that we’ll be there to offer Sandra whatever support she needs in the future.
  • Kingston Council and Network Rail win funding to kickstart transformation of Tolworth Station and surrounding area

    This change in the profile of commuting, with lower passenger numbers, offers real opportunities for stations to be more than just places of arrival and departure.... Can they be destinations in their own right offering community, start up and SME spaces, cultural and creative activities, learning and skills opportunities and be truly accessible to all?
  • Find support or get involved

    Designed for use in residential settings for older people, the Veteran Friendly Framework helps care providers to offer appropriate support for the thousands of veterans living in care homes across England.... Combat StressCombat Stress is the UK’s leading mental health charity for veterans offering free treatment and support to ex-servicemen and women of the UK Armed Forces.
  • Household Support Fund

    As part of Kingston’s partnership response to the Cost of Living Crisis, there is a focus on using existing buildings and spaces across the borough which are easily accessible to residents, offering warm, welcoming and safe spaces for residents to come together.... Therefore Voluntary and Community Sector organisations are invited to access funding to open up their building as community spaces, outside of what they currently offer, e.g. open for an additional morning.
  • School Learning Programme at Kingston Museum

    We are currently offering 4 amazing workshops that have all been designed around the school curriculum by Rhys Paul our Cultural Learning and Participation Officer... In partnership with All Saints Church, we offer a dual workshop package that includes an interactive session at both Kingston Museum and All Saints Church.
  • Flood Risk Assessment Guidance

    Site-specific FRAs should be proportionate to the degree of flood risk, making the best use of available information.... As stated in the Written Ministerial Statement HCWS161, SuDS are a material planning consideration for all major applications, and decisions on all planning applications require evidence that SuDS are implemented to ensure surface water is managed safely and sustainably on site.
  • Storing or scattering cremated remains

    The garden does not offer the focal point provided by a plot or private garden as decorations or memorials (gravestones or memorial plaques); cannot be placed with the remains.... We can offer contact details for approved masons or you may like to discuss the options with your funeral director. ... Graves are offered within a specified area which is covered by detailed grave plans and a precise grave numbering system.
  • Leaseholders Handbook

    The Council is not usually in a position to repurchase flats sold under the “right to buy” although if you purchased your flat from the Council after 18 January 2005 and wish to sell your property within ten years of buying it you must first offer to sell it back it to the council at a mutually agreed price or a price determined by the district valuer.... give you advice on the offer you make to us... advise you on our response to your offer
  • Rent arrears and income collection policy

    We do not offer our customers financial advice or debt counselling however our Housing Officers, rent income officers and Financial Inclusion Officers will offer signposting to appropriate agencies where appropriate.... The  Housing Allocations Scheme 2017 provides details of exclusions from the register and offers of accommodation for customers with rent arrears.
  • Children's transition to adult social care

    As well as help with budgeting, we will also offer you advice on getting all the benefits due to you.​