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  • Save energy and money at home

    We increased the insulation to at least 150mm in all three, which involved cutting holes into the roof spaces that had no access hatch, a messy job but only needing doing once!... It is a trickle ventilator, on all the time in winter when our windows are closed, boosts when humidity rises above 70%, and recovers about 75% of the heat in the outgoing air.... It is difficult to make useful comparisons between 1999, when we moved in and were out at work all day, and now, when we are retired and at home much more.
  • Doing activities on the water

    be worn on top of all other clothing... Keep a good look out at all times, behind you as well as in front.... be wary of all edges around the waterside, slips and falls happen in all locations and it doesn’t need to be a high ledge for the risk to be high
  • Kingston Sustainable Events Guidance

    Not all options may be possible or practical for all sizes and types of events, but we hope that this guidance will support events to be as sustainable as possible.... Consider all the goods and services your event is providing, and all the raw materials that are required to make that happen.... Ask yourself, do you really need all these things?
  • Things to know before and the day of your ceremony

    They are checking that all your details are correct on the Marriage Schedule before it is signed, and that you are still free and willing to go ahead with the marriage or civil partnership.... In your pre-ceremony interview, the registrar will ask you to check that all your details are correct on the schedule, and at the end of the ceremony, they will ask you to check that all the details are correct on the schedule before you sign.
  • Special treatments licence

    All therapists that carry out treatments under the licence need to be suitably qualified.... Even if you do not need a licence, all businesses must still comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and other relevant regulations.... You must make sure that you can comply with all relevant conditions before making an application.
  • Tower blocks and fire safety

    Exit routes and communal areas should be kept clear at all times.... All shared communal areas must be clear of any items including rubbish, storage and personal items.... Switch off all non-essential appliances at night.
  • Housing Compensation Policy

    Therefore all such payments made under this policy will be issued as full and final settlement for the complaint.... Where financial payments are appropriate, they are proportionate to the loss or inconvenience caused, and all customers are treated in a fair and equitable way... This Policy applies to all current and former tenants, leaseholders, and customers of RBK’s Housing Service except where specified.
  • Council owned trees

    All newly planted trees come with a maintenance programme of 10 watering visits a year for the first 2 years after planting.... Over the last two winters the council has planted in the region of 1400 new trees which are all watered under the maintenance programme.... Try to avoid the hottest part of the day, although water anytime is better than no water at all
  • Financial assessment (means test) for social care

    capital, meaning all of your savings and investments... Make sure you have all the information you need before you start the assessment.... It might take some time to gather all the information you need to provide, especially if someone else is helping you.
  • Roundtable Discussion on Business Growth Opportunities from the Green Economy

    Therefore, in 2015, in recognition of this challenge, all the countries of the world signed the Paris agreement.... The power, transport and heating sectors all need to get to zero by 2050 and nature needs to be restored and enhanced.... In 2025 all new buildings should be zero carbon - an opportunity for the design, construction and energy sectors