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Results 591 – 600 of about 619.

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  • Kingston Interpreting Service - Terms and Conditions

    Good Practice” means the exercise of that degree of skill, care, diligence prudence and foresight that would ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced person seeking in good faith to comply with its contractual obligations under this Agreement and all applicable law and engaged in the same type of undertaking and under the same or similar circumstances and conditions as those envisaged by this Agreement;... 9.3 The Receiving Party will exercise in relation to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information no lesser security measures and degree of care than those which the Receiving Party applies to its own confidential information and in any event will exercise a reasonable and appropriate degree of care and protection.... 13.2 The customer undertakes, warrants and represents that it shall maintain policies, procedures and guidelines that are applicable to all customer affiliates and customer personnel and are intended and designed to prevent them doing or failing to do any act or thing that contravenes any Applicable Law or requirement of a regulatory authority relating to anti-bribery and corruption or anti-money laundering, including a gifts and entertainment policy requiring such persons not to undertake, offer, promise, give, authorise, request, accept or agree any Inducement (or to agree to do any of the foregoing).
  • Beyond Ophelia: The True Legacy of Elizabeth Eleanor Rossetti Fri, 12 Apr 2024, 18:00

    With an MFA in Fine Art from Kingston University's School of Art, Lyndsay regularly uses Kingston upon Thames and the River as a source of inspiration for her artwork.
  • Your Kingston Your Health

    Residents in Kingston have a higher level of qualifications on average than the rest of London and England, 41% of Kingston’s working age population are qualified to NVQ4 or above (which includes university degrees), compared to 38% in London and 27% in England30.
  • Poppy Court - Dementia Home

    Community engagement is at the heart of plans to offer high-quality dementia care in the borough.
  • Gardening bloom photo competition 2024

    If the winner cannot be contacted or is not available within 7 days, Kingston Council reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible entrant selected from the entries that were received before Friday 12 July 2024 at 11.59pm.
  • Garden waste collection service

    Kingston Council offers a chargeable garden waste collection service for domestic properties across the borough that runs for 12 months and residents have the option of bins or rolls of biodegradable bags.
  • Privacy Notice and Data Protection

    We plan to either fix these or offer accessible HTML page alternatives.
  • Healthy Streets

    The Healthy Streets indicators are helping inform improvements to our neighbourhoods so that they offer travel choices that are greener and healthier for current and future generations.
  • Dealing with Damp and Mould policy

    We know that some residents struggle to afford to heat their homes adequately so we will work with them to ensure they are guided to all the help and support available from various funding initiatives including those offered by the financial inclusion team.
  • Apply for a new premises licence

    If we receive no representations within the 28 days, we will grant your application as applied for, subject to the conditions offered in your operating schedule.