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  • About KAE

    About KAE and the Programmes We Offer... Work with an Advice and Guidance Officer to help your job search, apply for jobs, complete application forms, practise interview skills, find out about different career options which match your skills and apply for courses and university. ... Other specialist qualifications offered include the Understanding Autism Level 2 Certificate and the Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties Level 2 Certificate.
  • Disclosure and Barring Service checks

    Applicants who are offered employment to posts exempted under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, will require a disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS - formerly Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)) before an appointment can be confirmed.... any relevant information offered by the applicant about the circumstances which led to the offence being committed... the degree of remorse, or otherwise, expressed by the applicant and their motivation to change
  • Four day intensive swimming crash course for children aged 3+

    The swimming pool is 15m x 5m and 0.9 metres deep throughout, heated to a warm 31 degrees.
  • Four day intensive swimming crash course for children aged 3+

    The swimming pool is 15m x 5m and 0.9 metres deep throughout, heated to a warm 31 degrees.
  • List of conservation areas

    Designation date: January 1979 and extended in January 1989 and September 1991No of properties: 444Area: 7.5 hectares
  • We are all the man with the axe

    Dr Paul Micklethwaite from Kingston University explores artists’ responses to the Climate Emergency in this free talk at Kingston Museum.... He has led the Masters course in Sustainable Design at Kingston University, London for ten years, and has been guiding designers through the complexities of sustainability for longer.
  • Kingston

    Offer, Emma... Offer, Mary... Offer, Mary
  • Join the housing register

    A care leaver under 24 years who has been looked after by the council for at least 2 years, including some time before they turned 16, under section 22A of the Children Act 1989.... If you’re offered the property and you view it, you have 24 hours to decide if you want to accept it.
  • Homes for Ukraine: Future accommodation options

    Your current host or any other landlord may offer you the option to stay with them as a ‘lodger’.... Or if you are interesting in offering space to a lodger from Ukraine, please email us: Boarding/lodging income does not affect Universal Credit (as claimants are not entitled to housing costs for spare rooms) unless the claimant is self-employed and renting out rooms in their house as part of conducting a trade (for example, running a bed and breakfast - income from bed and breakfast being conducted as a trade is to be treated as self-employed earnings)
  • Kingston Council and partners announce ambitious plans to regenerate Kingston riverside

    The Factory of Futures will offer the space to continue and develop this work in partnership with the University, College, Borough and other local stakeholders offering more opportunities for young people.