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  • Adult social care services

    We offer information and advice about short-term care and support, just until you’re better, or for long-term help if you have complex needs.
  • Insurance

    It is often much quicker to claim against your own Insurers - most policies offer new for old cover.
  • Pet policy

    However, where the accommodation offers shared access, communal facilities or the absence of a self enclosed garden there remains the possibility that the accommodation provider might reasonably withhold the right to keep a pet in consideration of other residents sharing the property and the suitability of the property.
  • Fast track your planning application

    In order to facilitate this we offer a fast-track service.
  • Roundtable Discussion on Business Growth Opportunities from the Green Economy

    Michelle noted that most businesses are not aware that the Defra website provides guidance on how to offer sustainable cleaning for your business and the impact on carbon reduction through recycling.
  • Borough sports awards

    The Sports Club of the Year Award recognises exceptional commitment to developing a club and the activities and services it offers to its local community.
  • About care needs assessments

    After this conversation, you may both decide that you do not need more input from adult social care and that other organisations or services can offer you the help that you need.
  • Wheatfield Way

    I travel to and from the town centre most days, and Wheatfield Way offering a safe route to cycle, bypassing the busy bus/car filled roads makes the journey more fun and significantly more safe.
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

    On 19 March 2014, the Supreme Court handed down its judgements in the cases of P vs Cheshire West and Chester Council and another and P and Q vs Surrey County Council.
  • Kingston Interpreting Service - Terms and Conditions

    Good Practice” means the exercise of that degree of skill, care, diligence prudence and foresight that would ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced person seeking in good faith to comply with its contractual obligations under this Agreement and all applicable law and engaged in the same type of undertaking and under the same or similar circumstances and conditions as those envisaged by this Agreement;... 9.3 The Receiving Party will exercise in relation to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information no lesser security measures and degree of care than those which the Receiving Party applies to its own confidential information and in any event will exercise a reasonable and appropriate degree of care and protection.... 13.2 The customer undertakes, warrants and represents that it shall maintain policies, procedures and guidelines that are applicable to all customer affiliates and customer personnel and are intended and designed to prevent them doing or failing to do any act or thing that contravenes any Applicable Law or requirement of a regulatory authority relating to anti-bribery and corruption or anti-money laundering, including a gifts and entertainment policy requiring such persons not to undertake, offer, promise, give, authorise, request, accept or agree any Inducement (or to agree to do any of the foregoing).